
Just for the Record, I supplied the Sources you requested!

Besides, I was the one being attacked and Gang Banged in here by People who do not have any compassion for Weak People like the Homeless who have NO Voice for themselves!

If you really want to know how Long ago that People said what I'm saying, then go to, and find their reference to the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Economic Human Rights! It basically stated that EVERY Human Being is entitled to:
  1. Food
  2. Housing
  3. Education (Continuing)
  4. A Job
  5. Medical Care
ALL of the above are at Risk now to over 30% of OUR Population, and in developing countries, many have less than 2% of their people with all of the above!

75  Million Americans have insufficient or NO Medical Insurance right now!  By the way, we are now the ONLY developed "1st World" Country that does NOT have Universal Health Care! AND, it's now taking DOWN Corporations like G.M. (Lack of UHC) ........ Should've listened to Dennis Kucinich in 2004!

Oh well, you're not looking for the Truth, just your version,


--- In, "Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jack,
> I am asking for clarification on statistics that are being thrown out
> as fact. You cannot evaluate a statement based on "facts" unless you
> know where those "facts" come from.
> An example of this are all of those political ads on television making
> claims and attacks. reviews the "facts" in the ads and
> debunks the misused facts and acknowledges the properly used ones.
> The same goes for the recently discovered WMDs in Iraq. The Bush
> lackeys are pointing to them saying "he are the WMDs" while they were
> not the ones we were looking for, were from the first Iraq War, and
> were reportedly too old to be a threat.
> I do not think that asking for the source of the facts is hijacking a
> topic. Also, the personal attacks are getting sickening and the idea
> that people start off an e-mail saying they will not sink to that
> level and then do so needs to be pointed out.
> Please advise me how I can do the above without hijacking the topics.
> Tom
> --- In, "Hinge" hinge98@ wrote:
> >
> > Um...why do you people keep hijacking the topic?
> > Jack
> > --- In, "Tom" <me@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Steve - I am going to sound as much like a broken record as you.
> > > Please provide the sources for your assorted claims and statistics. I
> > > am very interested in reading them to see if you are applying them
> > > properly.
> > >
> > > Tom
> > >
> > > --- In, "Steve" <asburysteve2001@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Allan,
> > > >
> > > > No Condo in Asbury Park is worth $1 Million, nor will any be for
> > > > probably a decade, or more!
> > > >
> > > > As far as the Crime goes, it's 3 Times worse now than it was in
> 2000,
> > > > Before the Redevelopment Began! Until these Clowns who think
> destroying
> > > > the lives of 10,000 Local Minorities to get themselves Rich
> REALIZE that
> > > > they're CAUSING the Crime, Reality won't set in!
> > > >
> > > > I've just been in Asbury Park since 1996, but there's been a BIG
> change
> > > > in just the past 4 Years! I've never seen so much unrest in
> Minority
> > > > Communities since the late 1960's and early 1970's! The
> "Community" as
> > > > it's been referred to generally, which more accurately would be
> called
> > > > the "Old" or Past or previously existing Community has NEVER, to
> this
> > > > day, been invited "To the Table" with the Redevelopers ... To
> discuss
> > > > how they can partake in the benefits of the Redevelopment!
> > > >
> > > > And since they consist of 78% of the Population, to them the
> > > > Redevelopment is NOT a redevelopment, but an Invasion by the
> Rich! And
> > > > it IS! People who have lived here from 20 Years to over three
> or four
> > > > generations are expected to now just get up and Disappear ....
> > > > Peacefully, so that strangers who weren't even HERE 5 years ago
> can come
> > > > in and get Rich in 3-4 Years!
> > > >
> > > > Yes, there's Crime! More importantly, the biggest Criminals ARE the
> > > > Redevelopers, who are breaking Every Law that God has given us about
> > > > caring for our fellow Man (And Women & Children). They are just
> > > > intentionally forcing OUT the Afro-Americans, of which about
> 2,000 are
> > > > already gone! And it's being done because People on the City
> Council,
> > > > School Board and Planning Board are placed BY the Redevelopers!
> Money
> > > > does it! And cheating and rigging Elections!
> > > >
> > > > But just wait until the Condo Owners start to move in, and a few
> of them
> > > > are Shot! Wow, all of a sudden, the Values may drop overnight
> on the
> > > > Condo Values! Wanna make a bet?
> > > >
> > > > The way this Redevelopment SHOULD have gone was that they should
> build
> > > > ALL 3,100 Condos in three tier price ranging: Low Income, Moderate
> > > > Income and the ones they're building .. High Income!
> > > >
> > > > As I mentioned many other times, we need (The City):
> > > >
> > > > 1. Rent Control
> > > > 2. Affordable Housing (Three Tier)
> > > > 3. Living Wage Jobs & a Program to Attract Jobs and Train
> > > > People
> > > >
> > > > WHY is there so much Crime? Below are many of the Reasons, which
> > > > combined, add up to creating a boiling point crisis for Asbury
> > > > Residents:
> > > >
> > > > Redevelopment Created Problems:
> > > >
> > > > * The Redevelopment is designed to Gentrify the
> Population on
> > > > Purpose. Two Groups of People came here from Lakewood and NYC to
> carry
> > > > out the plans. Afro-Americans are the highest level of targeted
> > > > People for them to get out of the City at any cost!
> > > > * A Totally Dysfunctional City Hall, where the same
> People who
> > > > are supposed to be helping the Minorities have sold out,
> and are
> > > > stacking the odds against them, rather than helping them.
> Plus a
> > > > new City Manager and his Team who were brought in to
> Service the
> > > > Redeveloper as their primary responsibility, whether or not the
> > > > City OR it's Residents gain from the results.
> > > > * No Rent Control Passed to protect existing Residents
> (By City
> > > > Council)
> > > > * NO Affordable Housing at ALL in Redevelopment Plan or
> > > Contract
> > > > * Master Redeveloper in Default of Contract by NOT hiring
> > > 20% of
> > > > Asbury Park Workers and Contractors as promised for
> Construction
> > > > Jobs.
> > > > * Redevelopment caused a Crime Rate Increase for the
> past four
> > > > years, due to NO Provisions to help or protect Low Income
> > > > Residents, which caused tensions to rise, and resulted in
> desperate
> > > > people doing desperate things, and placed the entire City at Unrest!
> > > >
> > > > Pre-Existing Problems:
> > > >
> > > > 1. A Population of about 8-10,000 under-educated Minority
> > > > People, many of them with no High School Diploma.
> > > > 2. One of the largest concentrations of Dysfunctional
> Families
> > > > with mostly no Fathers present.
> > > > 3. A Group of Religious Leaders who are out for their OWN
> > > > Congregant's needs only, or their OWN personal gains. Most
> don't
> > > > care about the general population, or don't do anything.
> > > > 4. No Existing large Organizational Tenants Rights Group or
> > > > Citizens Group to Organize requests for inclusion in
> Redevelopment
> > > > Plans & Benefits.
> > > > 5. Poor Educational System with few exceptions.
> > > > 6. No City Community Center.
> > > > 7. No City Youth Center.
> > > > 8. West Side Community Center is under funded, partly
> > > due
> > > > to misallocation of Community Development Block Grants by the City.
> > > > 9. Severe lack of well paying Jobs available for Residents.
> > > > 10. Racial Prejudice is alive and kicking both in the
> Private
> > > > Sector, as well as throughout City Hall and the School System.
> > > > So, Allan, chew on those things for a while, OK? You'll most likely
> > > > disagree with me like the selfish Yuppie Raiders that have
> dropped into
> > > > the City in recent years, but, it's your right, even if you're
> wrong!
> > > >
> > > > Bottom line is that the situation is getting worse, not better,
> as time
> > > > goes on! When you hold an entire Community hostage for years while
> > > > you're planning to evict them, what must you and I expect, anyway?
> > > >
> > > > Peace,
> > > >
> > > > Steve
> > > >
> > > > W
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In, Allan Peterson <nnjallans1@>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Where else can you get all this and now have to pay 400 to over a
> > > > million for a home.
> > > > >
> > > > > Hinge hinge98@ wrote: Greetings,
> > > > > I'm writing this in response to the ongoing fight on this message
> > > > board pertaining to
> > > > > racism, minimum wage and the entire Asburysteve thread.
> > > > > I recently moved to Asbury, and when I told my many friends
> that I was
> > > > doing so, they all
> > > > > had the same reaction..."Asbury, ew. It's dangerous there" or
> "Asbury,
> > > > you mean that town
> > > > > on the shore that has all that crime"
> > > > > I was even apprenhensive to move here. A week after I signed
> my lease,
> > > > I took a drive to
> > > > > visit my soon to be home, and had a drug dealer try and flag
> me down
> > > > near the
> > > > > Golddigger, and immediately after I got approached by a prostitute
> > > > because she figured I
> > > > > pulled over for her, not because I wanted to check out my new
> home.
> > > > > In any case, I love living in Asbury. Asbury has been a part of my
> > > > life for as long as I can
> > > > > remember. But unfortunately, the good memories are mingled
> with the
> > > > bad...tales of
> > > > > friends being attacked outside of the Stone Pony one night,
> having one
> > > > of my beloved
> > > > > bicycles stolen, only to be spotted outside a crack den in
> Asbury. I'm
> > > > sure we all have such
> > > > > tales of woe.
> > > > > Since moving to Asbury, I've gotten to see the political
> in-fighting
> > > > that doesn't seem to be
> > > > > making much progress. I've seen people doing crack in broad
> daylight
> > > > in the beautiful
> > > > > Library Square Park. I've been yelled at in that park while
> walking my
> > > > dog because some
> > > > > guy thought I was looking at him (he yelled some pretty ugly
> racial
> > > > things at me, then
> > > > > yelled "what's the matter, you don't want a black man in your
> white
> > > > assed park") I have
> > > > > liquor bottles and other debris on my lawn practically every
> morning.
> > > > My neighborhood is
> > > > > filled with the same 3 or 4 prostitututes daily, and the
> accompanying
> > > > cars that troll around
> > > > > in search of them.
> > > > > What's going to happen when the new people that AP is trying to
> > > > attract wind up here?
> > > > > I think there's quite a bit of good going on in AP right now, but
> > > > unfortunately that is being
> > > > > overshadowed by the bad. On one hand, we have the amazing
> Market in
> > > > the Middle and
> > > > > it's little group of flourishing restaraunts, on the other hand we
> > > > have 3 people shot and
> > > > > one killed just a few blocks away from where I live.
> > > > > It seems to me that most of the problems in AP are drug
> related. AP
> > > > has been known for
> > > > > decades to be a place to score drugs. The prostitutes are all drug
> > > > addicts, and the dealers
> > > > > supply them. It's a vicious cycle.
> > > > > Asbury is also plagued with racial seperation and racial
> stereotyping,
> > > > which is fueled by
> > > > > things like last weeks murder, and the weekly stories that
> appear in
> > > > local newspapers
> > > > > police blotters.
> > > > > I hope Asbury doesn't suffer a similar fate to Atlantic City,
> where
> > > > they have a 2 block wide
> > > > > strip of prosperity bordering on a wasteland.
> > > > > I don't know what the answers are, but I believe that Asbury
> needs to
> > > > unite the east and
> > > > > west, and both sides need to fight the sleezy and dangerous
> parts of
> > > > Asbury that give us
> > > > > the horrible reputation that we have.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > ---------------------------------
> > > > > Do you Yahoo!?
> > > > > Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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