Thank you Jack, [EMAIL PROTECTED],  for your very eloquent response to AsburySteve (Sorry Werner, this time I can't snip off the original; it's too much on the mark. I promise I will as a general rule.  Besides I want to change to a more appropriate thread name.)
AsburySteve's comments about Jews, Syrian or otherwise, are in sync with Lyndon LaRouche, whom Steve calls  a genius.  Here are a two typical LaRouche statements: 
"America must be cleansed for its righteous war by the immediate elimination of the Nazi Jewish Lobby and other British agents from the councils of government, industry, and labor."

"Jazz was foisted on black Americans by the same oligarchy which had run the U.S. slave trade, with the help of the classically trained but immoral George Gershwin and the Paris-New York circuit of drug-taking avant-garde artists."

More Eye Openers here: Lyndon LaRouche: Fascist Demagogue

Liberal Credibility Factor:  minus 33 1/3 points for  being anti-jazz, anti-semitic, and pro fascist demagoguery.


Steve claims that "Fact is, Gays WILL be accepted with open arms just as gladly as ANYONE else!"

The real fact: On  May 22 a member from the other Yahoo group "called the Market Street Mission and spoke with Philip Dosier, Resident Director, 973-993-2878.  As an evangelical Christian based organization, I asked if the Mission has a policy regarding the admitting of gay men to their program.  Mr. Dosier responded that it would depend on whether the man was openly gay and as to how effeminate he was.  He stated that they have had some gay men there in the past, but they were able to hide it well."  Gee, how glad open-armed is that!

Liberal Credibility Factor:  minus 33 1/3 points for not knowing your facts while charging your opponents are liars.


As for AsburySteve's doom- nauseum

Liberal Credibility Factor:  minus 33 1/3 for the Macadamia factor.  ( - 100% )

This would be funny except that I detect a certain glee and hopefulness that such a crash will happen.  What kind of pathology is that?

Cordiali saluti,

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========Original Message========

Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: ** Stand Up For Asbury Using Lies Intentionally to Gain Support! **
Date: 7/26/2006 2:53:23 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sent on:   

I don't get it.
You claim other groups are racist, but you make comments like the following;

"Yes, Syrian Jews & Hasidics are both "One the Move" to take over the entire area. What I've
heard about that Ocean Area is that due to the fact that there's a transportation route to
New York through there, they're buying up everything around the bus routes to "Make it
Safe" to walk through right to the Bus/ Train with suitcases filled with Cash or Diamonds!"

Is that not a racist statement? Especially the part about "Cash or Diamonds"

What do you mean by that?

If you don't think your statement was racist, then explain to us how it is not.

I think you have some good things to say, but you undermine your credibility with
statements like that.

So what if people want to "Make it Safe" and build a community.

So far, Asbury itself has done a pretty shitty job in maintaining and growing this once
beautiful city. Don't get me wrong, i'm appalled by the destruction of so many beautiful
and historic buildings here, but on the other hand Asbury needs new blood, and new

I've stated before that i'm a newcomer to this town, and that I see things on a daily basis
that disturb me. Do you want to see what i'm talking about? Take a drive right now to
Library Square Park. It's a beautiful park. Walk to the center of it, near the fountain. You'll
find lots of garbage and discarded drug paraphenalia. Look around'll see some
people passed out on the grass. You'll see a tree with somebodies discarded clothing, and
other gross things laying around. Take a walk on 1st ave. and notice how many discarded
beer bottles are on peoples lawns, and how much crap in general is just discarded and left
for other people to deal with.

Being poor or homeless isn't a crime, but it's also not an excuse.
I agree that more needs to be done to help people get ahead in life, but people also need
to be accountable for their own lives too.

When i hear you being passionate about the gap between rich and poor and things like
that, I agree with you. But, I also agree with the people who've taken a chance on Asbury,
invested in a home or business here, and want to live in a safe and clean place. I, for one,
am sick of cleaning up other peoples garbage from my lawn. And i'm not too happy seeing
drug deals take place right in front of me, and not too happy about my block being used
as prostitution central.

So, if a group like Stand up comes along to try and prevent more of the same from
happening in what? What's wrong with that. I donated to them, but not before
doing some research and forming my own opinion. I want my home to be safe and clean,
and I want to be proud in my home so that when people come to visit they don't leave with
a bad impression of the city I live in.

The Jersey shore is filled with have beautiful affluent communities on
all sides of Asbury, with virtually none of the problems we have. I lived in Allenhurst for 10
years without ever needing to clean up somebody else's garbage, or chase prostitutes
away from my front yard.

Asbury's current problems began long ago, and they aren't going away anytime soon. But,
in order for change to happen, radically new ways of thinking need to be applied to our
city, and past mistakes can't continue to be repeated.

I support Stand up for that very reason. I don't want Asbury to become a haven for
homelessness. I don't want to see homeless people hurt either. I don't know what the
answer is, but I want to protect my investment.

Sincerely, Jack





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