RE Asburysteve2001's comments,


I think we have a bunch of Cowards who hide behind the anonymity of the Internet, where they are invisible, and throw stones! 

Because this group  (374 members, 102 bouncing) is unmoderated, anonymity of some posters is unavoidable and understandable.  I for one try not to reveal identities of others in my postings to this group.  One never knows what sociopaths are lurking about.
Mario comes off with these off the wall things, and never says WHO the information was given by! Like who called Market Street Mission?

Just to cover my bases and do what I think is right, which would be to make sure the Mission isn't Homophobic, I've E-Mailed Dave Scott, their Executive director, to see if Mario's accusation against Phillip Dozier holds up, or if Mario conjured it up.
The person who initiated that call is well known to members of another Yahoo group which is moderated (434 members with 75 bouncing) and where that information was fully revealed.
As far as Lyndon LaRouche goes, I just got a little bit into his philosophies on the things needed to do to fix Americas Economic woes. I'll investigate whether he is "Fascist" or has prejudices!
With a little bit of information, you call him a genius. 
Quite frankly, Fascism happens much more with Republicans, because they believe in using Power to trample over People and get what they want.
George Orwell, a socialist, knew quite well how easy it is for leftist politics to swing to the fascist right.  His Animal Farm is a lament of that phenomenon based on his own experiences.
Quite frankly, it now seems to me that Mario just likes to cause trouble, especially by digging up and creating things that never happened or are untrue, or partially true!
There you go again, making accusations before you get the information you say you are going to investigate.  By the way, one can't both dig up and create something.  It's one or the other.
Over all, your analyses are a mile wide and an inch shallow.  I said the same of Tommy DeSeno's column; I'm an equal opportunity critic.

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