In reference to AsburySteve's comment:

"Yes, Syrian Jews & Hasidics are both "One the Move" to take over the entire area.  they're buying up everything around the bus routes to "Make it  Safe" to walk through right to the Bus/ Train with suitcases filled with Cash or Diamonds!"
The above and similar statements seem to echo the LaRouchian m.o.
"While information from the LaRouchians is sometimes accurate, it is often laced with unsubstantiated assertions and biased by the peculiar LaRouchian brand of conspiracist bigotry against Jews and homosexuals."

One issue of Revisionist Letters contained an article urging recruitment from "a powerful potential source of supporters--the radical Left! Leftist disillusionment with Israel and Zionism is growing rapidly."

"In part, the fascist right has been able to forge ties to the left due to a serious lack of knowledge on the left regarding the complex history, different forms, and multiple tactics of fascism. Among those tactics are the use of scapegoating, reductionist and simplistic solutions, demagoguery, and a conspiracy theory of history."



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