I am not sure I can take much more of Asbury Steve.  I am embarrassed to say that I read all the posts.....and they go on and on.  I am wasting too much of my life reading  all of these posts that go nowhere.  How can someone like Asbury Steve have so much time on his hands to respond to every post and monopolize all the posts.  Has anyone counted all his posts?
Anyway, if anyone knows how I can removed from this site, so I do not have to be subjected to this anymore, please let me know.
Another Steve
Monroe Avenue
----- Original Message -----
From: traderdube
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 6:34 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] asbury steve

What a shame. After so many months of 3-4 of the same people posting
over and over again, the asbury yahoo board gets a terrific influx of
new posters and and great reading, great messages, and becomes all that
a internet message board can be. Then comes a long that curmudgeonly
a~~hole who is only in it for himself and his agenda. Think about it,
other than asburysteve, this board is unanimously opposed to the
devilish market street mission dumping more unfortunates on our already
unfortunately cluttered streets. Yet, every single post, and I mean
every single one is responded to by asburysteve. Paragraph upon
paragraph, statistic upon statistic, dumping acres of diatribe on all of
us to further his cause. Then, of course, he plays the anonymity card,
brags how he signs his name and expects us all to sign ours, and once we
do, he will disparage us so that someone on the board who is perhaps
applying for a job gets their name to come up in a google search that
jeopardizes their getting the job, because asburysteve ripped them a new
a~~hole, because that is also part of his agenda.

Steve you haven't been on this board since you moved out of 4th ave, do
us all a favor, because we want to engage in intelligent, fair minded
conversations and we don't want your agenda, your religious zealotry,
and racist, anti-semitic views polluting what could be a great place to
discuss all the myriad of issues that face those of us who work and live
in AP everyday.

If you aren't polite and savvy enough to just hit the internet road, at
the very least, take a deep breath, deeper steve, deeper, and sit back
and read. Spend a week or two reading what others have to say, maybe
even embrace other peoples ideals beside your own, maybe even open that
closed hate filled mind of yours. Who knows, you may just find that even
you can exist with us rich Jewish developers who invest our money to
chase poor people.

To everyone else on this board, please do not let this guy chase you
away, he has done this in the past. It is so cool to have a place to
discuss asbury park, it is even better to have a place to vent the
frustration of dealing with asbury park, sort of what I just got done doing.

Oh, and Steven there is an unwritten internet rule that I have been
aware of since I was online with my C-64, and that is that you do not
type someone's name on an open forum such as this without their
permission. Your a big name dropper, but I am sure Pat and Marshall
would not be happy with you citing them in your decrepit hate filled
nonsensical posts.


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