--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Allan Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Thank you for the post.  It is good to see some comon sense posted 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:              In a message dated 8/25/2006 
12:39:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, Tommy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote to me:
>     "Hi Mario!...I know you keep close track of AP and I always 
respect your opinions.  I wanted to know what you thought of my 
column this week.  I've attached it in case you haven't seen it.
>   You can post it anywhere if you wish, because I know you go on a 
few different Asbury message boards.
>   Let me know what you think."
>   Brief background:  Tommy and I are ideological opposites, and 
I've written to triCity a few times criticizing his columns as being 
textbook examples of Rove-Rush Ad Hominem Arguments: "Poisoning the 
Well and Other Personal Attacks."  (e.g., "I once asked a long-
haired maggot-infested FM-type environmentalist wacko who he thought 
was threatening the owl.")
>   For those who've complained they can't access triCity News in 
print or the column from the file section of this group, here is the 
complete text:
>   -----------------------------------------------------------------
>   Justified Right
>   The Conservative Alternative to triCity  by  Tommy DeSeno
>   Baronet: The 6th Best Theater In Asbury Park
>   Many people have delusions of grandeur, but you are deluded by 
triviality.  Eugene Ionesco
>   They’re baaaaaaaaaack!  After an all too brief absence, the 
“Nostalgia Nazi” are at it again in Asbury Park.  “Nostalgia 
Nazi” are those people who, while arriving in Asbury Park too 
recently to have experienced it years ago, somehow claim to have a 
longing for things they never saw in the first place.  Nostalgia 
Nazi have only read about Asbury Park’s better days, causing them 
to mythologize the City.  In their minds, everything in Asbury Park 
was far more glorious than in reality it ever actually was.  Don’t 
get me wrong--Asbury Park had an enchanting past, but it was 
certainly not the Shangri-La that these people think it was.
>   Due to their phony yearning for a past they never had, Nostalgia 
Nazi have made the mistake of trying to save buildings in Asbury 
Park that really should be bulldozer meat.  Those are the good 
ones.  The rest are people who hate Asbury Park’s Beachfront 
Redevelopment and will pretend to be “Preservationists” or 
“Historical Society Members” if it affords them opportunity to 
halt Beachfront progress.
>   One problem I have with these people is their willingness to 
care more about old buildings in Asbury than old people in Asbury.
>   Are there worthwhile Eminent Domain issues they could get 
behind?  Sure, but they lack the priorities to see them.  They 
should be more “people oriented” and care about the business 
folks who rode out the 30-year storm here instead of caring for 
empty buildings.  Here are some things I’ve never seen from these 
supposedly caring people:  I’ve never seen a picket sign saying, 
“Save the Kary and Gokberk homes” (they are people raising 4th 
generation Asbury Parkers in their homes).  I’ve never seen a 
rally to make sure Stanley Tokic, owner of the Adriatic Restaurant 
for more than 20 years, gets a prime spot in the Redevelopment.  
I’ve never seen a website to raise awareness that Rita Morano of 
Rita’s Deli, operating for a several decades here, should also get 
her pick of locations in the Redevelopment zone.
>   But nooooooooo!  The unholy alliance of Asbury Newbies and 
Meddling Outsiders that comprise this army of “Preservationists” 
have brought us to this level of hell:  “Save Tillie” and 
“Save the Stone Pony.”  Tillie was the beneficiary of websites, 
fundraisers and endless Asbury Park Press “dreaditorials,” all 
to save an ugly cartoon void of artistic worth.  Save the Stone 
Pony?  Even the European press acted like there is a constitutional 
right for college kids to puke on the sidewalk after dollar beer 
night.  Good Grief.
>   Think of what they would do to the aesthetic of this City if 
they had their way.  We would have no class whatsoever--a bunch of 
Tillie faces and more puke bars with rallies to save the old Lyric 
porno palace (thankfully they lost that fight).  They should raise 
money to help Frank D’Alessandro restore Stephen Crane’s home-- 
the most historically significant building in the City.  That of 
course would take a level of sophistication far beyond the puny 
minds of Tillie-lovers.
>   Yes, there is Eminent Domain going on in Asbury Park.  No,  it 
isn’t the travesty that is going on in Long Branch, because Asbury 
fits into the pre-Kelo state of the law, and Eminent Domain was 
needed here.  Oh and yes--I did accept Councilman Keady’s 
challenge to debate me on Asbury Radio, and no, it won’t happen, 
because the host of that show is too protective of Keady to let me 
have at him.
>   Now the Nostalgia Nazi are at it again.  This time it is “Save 
the Baronet Theater!” --which was once the 6th best theater in 
Asbury Park.  Years ago Asbury Park had the Mayfair Theater, of 
glorious baroque architecture.  It was knocked down but should have 
been saved.  Today, new people want to complete the cycle of lunacy 
by saving a theater that should be knocked down.
>   A word about Pat Fasano, who bought the Baronet 3.5 years AFTER 
he knew it became subject to Eminent Domain.  Pat is an Asbury Park 
hero.  Unlike others, he has proven that when he starts a project, 
he finishes it.  Compare him to Sackman who owns Steinbach’s, the 
old Bank Building and Press Complex (all in a row).  I walk past 
these gargantuan projects and hear one lousy hammer swinging, when I 
should hear 100.  That hammer is drowned out by the sound of the 
real estate market crashing down around us.  Fasano would never let 
that happen.  He gets the job done.
>   The question is:  What “job” does he want to get done with 
the Baronet?  Save it?  Yea right.  What, is Pat now Walter Reade 
all of a sudden?  He’s in the movie business?  No, Pat builds 
condominiums for a living.  He brags of offering Asbury Partners $10 
million for the Redevelopment rights to half the block.  Does anyone 
really think he will try to make his money back selling $2 movie 
tickets on the weekends?  Please.  We’ve seen this act before.  
What’s that old saying--”Fool me once call me…Dominic Santana?
”  The Nostalgia Nazi are just too stupid to see it--again.
>   By the way, Fasano should be granted the sub-developer rights 
for Fourth Avenue by Asbury Partners to build condos.  Pat’s 
earned it for all he’s done here.
>   I laugh when I hear people talk about the Baronet like it was 
Mann’s Chinese Theater or something.  Like the Palace before it, 
it’s a lousy cinder-block box that probably took a week and half 
to build.  Nothing of importance happened there, and there is no 
record of anyone important performing there.  My own memories of the 
place is Kung Fu movies on Saturday afternoons.  The only redeeming 
value about that is after the movie I could use the Kung Fu on the 
creeps waiting outside the joint who tried to jump me for my money.  
This is the heritage that these people are trying to save, and they 
don’t know it.
>   The histrionics over what was once “the 6th best movie theater 
in Asbury Park” is holding up redevelopment, and I hate that.  The 
vote to take this place has been postponed twice.  Mayor Sanders, 
Deputy Mayor Bruno and Councilman Loffredo are losing focus by 
entertaining this B.S. for too long.
>   The latest stall occurred when Asbury Partner’s sent a letter 
to the Council assuring all that when they do take the Baronet, they 
will continue to operate the theater for a time, so nothing is 
lost.  Ok, there are two things wrong with that.
>   First, it is 100% ILLEGAL for them to operate the theater after 
using Eminent Domain to take it.  The spirit of Eminent Domain law 
is you only take and pay for the real estate, and you must help the 
business set up elsewhere.  Asbury Partners cannot step into the 
theater owner’s shoes and assume the benefit of all the prior 
advertising and good will to continue another man’s business.  If 
that can happen, then let’s just give the Iraqis’ our 
Constitution; apparently we aren’t using it anymore.
>   Second, although I’m a fan of Larry and Glenn Fishman too, 
they have the theater credentials of Bialystock and Bloom -- none.  
When they took over the Paramount Theater, operating there was 
Asbury Park’s own Premiere Theater Company, doing wonderful 
shows.  I don’t claim to know whose fault it was that negotiations 
to continue the shows there broke down, but I’m a “results-
oriented” judge of matters, and the result was that our Theater 
Company moved to Lincroft.
>   The bottom line is, for all this silly talk by silly people 
about saving the ugly old Baronet, neither Fishman nor Fasano will 
save it.  It’s gone in favor of condos no matter what (as it 
should be).  Stop holding up our agreed upon, court tested 
redevelopment plan and get this City back on track.
>   By the way, there is nothing stopping all these supposed lovers 
of the Arts from building a new theater is Asbury Park.  That of 
course would involve the use of their own money, so don’t count on 
it.  Activists only fight to spend OPM--other people’s money.
>   -----------------------------------------------------------------
>   "Ideologies have no heart of their own. They're the whores and 
angels of our striving selves." -John Le Carré
>   Mario
> See Tillie Saved here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggstrHUmAhM
>   See ad for Palace Amusements: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
> Sunset
>     Thanks for the Video, enjoyed watching it.

> ---------------------------------
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