In reference to Tommy DeSeno's comment:


Today I called for Jim Keady to resign his City Council position, based
upon is advocating for Howard Zinn's works to be taught to children in
Asbury Park.
I did not vote for Jim Keady, and I am not an apologist for him; however, Tommy's post above, his web site's position on Keady, and his latest triCity column all smack of McCarthyism to me. 
Here is some information I culled from Amazon and Wikipedia.
Amazon's page for Zinn's book People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present:
Average Amazon Customer Review:  4 Stars of possible 5 based on 531 reviews. Sales Rank: #367  among approximately 4,000,000 other books
60% of Amazon’s political action contributions go to Republicans  ( ), and here is Amazon’s own review of the book: 
Addressing his trademark reversals of perspective, Zinn--a teacher, historian, and social activist for more than 20 years--explains, "My point is not that we must, in telling history, accuse, judge, condemn Columbus in absentia. It is too late for that; it would be a useless scholarly exercise in morality. But the easy acceptance of atrocities as a deplorable but necessary price to pay for progress (Hiroshima and Vietnam, to save Western civilization; Kronstadt and Hungary, to save socialism; nuclear proliferation, to save us all)--that is still with us. One reason these atrocities are still with us is that we have learned to bury them in a mass of other facts, as radioactive wastes are buried in containers in the earth."
If your last experience of American history was brought to you by junior high school textbooks--or even if you're a specialist--get ready for the other side of stories you may not even have heard. With its vivid descriptions of rarely noted events, A People's History of the United States is required reading for anyone who wants to take a fresh look at the rich, rocky history of America.
Excerpts from Customer Reviews:
Good Scholarship, Worthwhile, September 24, 2001
I recommend the book with some reservations. Agree or disagree, perspectives like Zinn's keep us from becoming ignorant victims of ideological propaganda.
I recommend it because it is a great, well-informed, honest and self-conscious dissenting opinion. Anyone who wants to consider themselves educated needs to consider dissenting opinions frequently….Other reviewers seemed to assume that either communists or far-right conservatives aren't "students of history." But of course some are. Zinn and Newt Gingrich are both well-informed scholars.
(If it matters to you, I am neither communist nor right-wing; I'm just not a political thinker. I'm American, and I think Americans--all of us--can be proud and thankful; but we should recognize that our government and politicians have never been perfect. Ideologies often serve to control people, so dissenting opinions are vital for freedom's perseverance. But democracy and moderated capitalism have often succeeded in blessing their people, while communism has evidently failed everywhere, with more gruesome histories even than capitalism.)
A quick look at the reviews for this book will tell you just how difficult it is for a reader of Zinn's works to whistle and walk on. Either one ends up savagely dismissing him as a petty cavalier, or extolling his brand of "eye opening" wisdom. …. I recommend this book highly as a VIEW of historical events that are difficult to deny occurred. Whether the guardians of the old order spring into an attack or not this is bound to yank a lot of people (me included) out of a languor of perspective. Not all books need to be read to be "liked". Even a book that makes you constantly revulse in disagreement is worth a read for that precise reason.
An Important History, Well Written, October 9, 2006
This isn't the last and only history of America you'll ever read or need. This is an addition to other texts, an important missing element in our collective education. History used to be told from the point of view of the winners, of the uplifted, and of the heroes. That is no longer the case and we can thank Howard Zinn and this seminal work for that.
What makes People's History of the United States different is that it's forward with its bias - this is told from the p.o.v. of the downtrodden and embattled of society and it tells of their heroes who weren't battlefield generals or blue-blood presidents, but instead they worked in factories or toiled fields or attended town-square protests. This book is leftist, sure, but within its pages you'll find that other history, official versions of history, are slanted the other way, rightist, or rather 'might makes right'ist.
To hate this book is to ignore its scholarship and message in favor of one's own idealogical bias. Don't you think that we need to incorporate all sides into our education so that an informed decision and position arises free of the shackles of ignorance? I do..... This book isn't anti-American or unpatriotic, but instead it is the embodiment of all that is American and patriotic because....
Definitely worth reading, a bit cumbersome at times, October 2, 2006
I am definitely not a socialist. Mr. Zinn is a (utopian) socialist, and he makes no effort hiding this fact. He is also very blunt about saying, that his world view determined the facts he decided to report about (of the infinitely many facts, which constitute history.)
Different Worth for Different Folks, October 2, 2006

Those people of the ideological left will love this book and the those of the ideological right will hate it.... that is a given.
American historiography has a broad tendency to degenerate into opposite truth camps of the right and left, mindlessly shouting out statistics, citing dates, supporting and dashing administrations to try to make a point. The entire pursuit of knowledge has been subverted by a kind of default to crude rhetoric for rhetoric's sake (see any American news programme or most prime-time columnists), and purile debate. Other countries and cultures shake their heads at such perversion of the whole idea of the way Americans understand history.
So do historians such as Zinn add to this atrophy of the brain or do they ameliorate it? I am not so sure I know the answer. I am thinking that his whole style may betray an answer. Zinn's "radical" style is deliberately unbalanced, he makes no apologies for this, it is an attempt to right the largely unbalanced scales of history written by dominant elites, those who have and hold the power. This is a worthy ideal,….
Inspiring! , September 8, 2006
This book should be required reading for all high school students in the United States.

There is a very comprehensive entry for Howard Zinn at Wikipedia ( ), including a section on his critics, a link to the text of the entire book ( ), and a link to a three hour interview on C-Span.
Tikkum Olam

========Original Message========

Subj: [AsburyPark] Keady Resignation Demand
Date: 10/13/2006 2:44:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Sent on:   

Today I called for Jim Keady to resign his City Council position, based
upon is advocating for Howard Zinn's works to be taught to children in
Asbury Park.

Zinn in a video suggests the assassination of the President of the
United States.

Check it out at, in the "Jersey Shore Blog"
section. You can see Zinn's offensive video there too.


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