WHOOOO  CARES!!!!  Really, give it a rest.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In reference to Tommy's charge of my stalking him:
> Nice of you to leave out all the rest of the email you sent me. I
> guess you were afraid to make yourself look like a stalker if people
> saw how many times you were mailing me in a day.
> Here are all 9 private emails I sent within a 4 day period. Regarding
> slyly vague remark, "I reached out to you because you had at an
earlier time
> emailed me": The only other private email I sent him was a over a year
> asking for lawyer recommendations
> =============================================
> 10/12 You're all knee-jerk reaction. Keady's Columbus stance is
> not Marxist. It may be unpopular among those Italians who are
> anti-intellectuals, but it is not unreasonable. This Italian welcomes
> among historians (and theologians, philosophers et al.)
> ================================================
> 10/12 Tommy,
> I am not a Keady supporter, but after 16+ years of Catholic school
> (Italian nuns, Irish brothers and finally Jesuits), I understand where
he is
> coming from; however I am leery of politicians who wear religion on
> sleeves. I think Keady is more sincere as a liberal Christian than any
of the
> phonies (Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell, et al.) on the religious right
that the
> Republicans sold their souls to (along with racist Democrats after
LBJ) in
> order to win elections for the past 25-30 years.
> Just because we grew up with some "local customs" doesn't mean they
are not
> open to criticism by others. My Catholic grammar school's biggest fund
> raiser back in the 50s was an annual minstrel show complete with black
> performances.
> The grammar school nuns taught us lots of things which were not true
> about protestants and Jews. Blacks were totally off the radar screen
> though poor black neighborhoods in Nutley surrounded our parish of
> successful Italians.
> If you think real hard about it, all parents are dishonest with their
> children at some level or other (Santa Claus, tooth fairy, and in many
> consequential ways).
> The Irish brothers debunked much of those nun-stories, and the Jesuits
> introduced critical thinking to faith studies (theology).
> BTW: I was never molested by anyone in those communal (communist with
> small c) orders.
> Your throwing around of labels (capital C Communist, Marxist, etc.) is
> shotting. As soon as you use those words, you short circuit any real
> thinking or debate (and the integrity of your column). Remember when
you objected
> to use of the words Hitler or Nazis in the Yahoo forum?
> BTW #2: Why is the city government involved at all with the Columbus
> show? Shouldn't a good Republican like you want to privatize the
> make it private (Italian American clubs)?
> Much of the above is off the top of my head and rather trivial.
> More importantly, I just think it is a shame that while you have the
> "pulpit" in triCity, you fail to use it to justify (and educat your
readers to)
> issues really sacred to the traditional right wing. Instead you're
> the likes of Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Rush and that ilk; besides, I
> the public is quickly tiring of that polarizing schtick.
> Have you reviewed lately any real American conservative thinkers: Wm.
> Buckley, Barry Goldwater, etc.?
> See "Slothful Conservatism" in follow up email.
> Also HBO is currently airing a great documentary on Goldwater.
> Regards,
> =======================================================
> 10/12 A long Statement from the American Conservative Union. Nothing
> composed by me.
> =========================================================
> 10/13 Tommy, In reference to your comments:
> Do you know what hurts worse than calling a black man the N word?
> him he is over-reacting when he gets upset about it.
> I'd rather be accused of over reacting than some of the things your
> accuses others of: traitors, pinkos, etc.
> As for kids, I'm pretty well experienced x 4. You can't discuss every
> subject in the world with them, and different kids will handle
subjects at an
> earlier age than others. You have to know their personalties. Keady
> "educator" will find that out someday. If he thinks I'm going to sit
down with my 6
> year old on Columbus Day and discuss rape and murder, he's an asshole
> from the fact it isn't correct). At 6 I can discuss the founding of
> Country and instill some pride in him. It doesn't mean I'm dishonest
with him.
> I know all that after 35 years of teaching. Columbus didn't found this
> country. Some say he "discovered" this geographic area. Do you ever
discuss the
> liberal "enlightenment" founders of his country. How about the beauty
of a
> country which started out favoring only land-owning white men and has
> progressed to fulfilling most of the founders' ideals through the
mechanisms they
> put in place.
> I have a book on Martin Luther King, Jr. detailng his accomplishments
that I
> read to my kids on his birthday. Am I supposed to stop in the middle
> say, "By the way, in the interest of full disclosre, he cheated on his
> Good grief.
> There you go again with that Strawman strategy. The above would be as
> inappropriate as the full machinery of the R party spending over $60
million for
> several years distracting this country with all sorts of sordid
details such
> as Clinton's cigar and Monica's dress. Good grief is right!
> Oh, Santa Claus makes me dishonest? Respectfully, you need a better
> definition of what dishonesty is.
> You missed the point about various levels of untruths, Santa and T
> being examples of inconsequential ones.
> I've got Keady pegged. Asbury is a resume padder for him. He has no
> global view of the City because he coudn't care any less about it.
> As I said, he didn't get my vote. But man, you're over the top I think
> "couldn't care less."
> It seems to me the more we discuss this matter, the further apart we
> Yes because you always seem to conveniently focus on certain phrases
> which you can create strawmen and ignore the main components of an
> viewpoint.
> I just don't think we're going to get anywhere on this issue.
> Probably not on most issues. To quote from an earlier email of mine to
> I find your rhetoric and debate style as being "textbook examples of
> "Poisoning the Well and Other Personal Attacks." (e.g., "I once asked
a long-haired
> maggot-infested FM-type environmentalist wacko who he thought was
> threatening the owl.")
> ===================================
> 10/13. A paste from C-Span about an upcoming interview with Republican
> Danforth. Nothing composed by me.
> =========================================
> 10/14 Tommy, In reference to your comment:
> If you have a moment, I was hoping you could take a look at my new
> _www.JustifiedRight.com_ (http://www.justifiedright.com/) . It even
has a Jersey
> Shore Blog page. Maybe leave a comment and please click on my ads! Let
> know what you think (didn't you used to have one of these? "Asbury
> or something like that? I might be thinking of someone else maybe).
> The blog that you're referring to was simply called _Menagerie_
> (http://marioapnj.blogspot.com/) .
> Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions or grasping at straws, as you
> do, but your recall and spelling of the word as "Libbrahl" was a red
flag to
> me, revealing to me once again, maybe unconscious on your part, the
> disdainful attitude you have for the liberal tradition in this
country. It's
> one thing to disagree, another to disparage; but alas for our country,
> disparagement, not debate, seems to be the order of the day
> There can be no civil debate when one person has such underlying
> about his opponents views. Your spelling of that word is a perfect
mimick of
> Limbaugh' s "dripping 'Ls' " when he uses that word.
> Thus, the task of replying went on the "back burner."
> Anyway, If you could share with the Yahoo Groups, I'd owe you yet
> favor (how many is that now?).
> Whenever I did share your emails with Yahoo groups, the responses were
> very flattering, and so I refrained from sharing them with you. Some
> respondents claimed that your triCity columns were purposely
outrageous to stir up
> foment and increase triCity readership. I did consider that
possibility, but,
> since your Keady column has metastasized from your column to your blog
> the Yahoo group, I think you've crossed the line.
> Tikkum Olam,
> Mario
> =====================================================
> 10/14 Tommy, In reference to your comment:
> You certainly conduct a great deal of psycho-analyzing of me below
over the
> use of the word "librahl."
> I wouldn't say 2-3 paragraphs is a great deal. And the analysis isn't
> merely over the use of that word. I did say "once again" because I
recall how
> much of your columns drip with disparagement rather than with any
> vigor: the Murtha article comes to mind immediately (especially your
> from Saddam which he never said); then there are such terms as
"dummycats," not
> mean spirited, but certainly childish.
> Now I'll admit I'm not the psycho-analyzer you are, but I think your
> analyzing me with so many negative thoughts over that word reflects in
you a desire
> to paint me that way. I don't think you like me very much.
> Now who's psychoanalyzing? It's not about that one word. And it's not
> you, Tommy. You go public with your sophomoric analyses, you should
> come-backs.
> I know it is easy to believe that people that are conservative are
mean like
> you describe me below.
> What is it with you? You really don't read with comprehension or
memory of
> what someone says. I consistently point out conservatives whom I
> (Buckley, Goldwater, Brooks, Tierney, and other non-mud wallowers on
the right).
> And more and more people on the right are demonstrating their
integrity and
> patriotism these days by breaking from the party line now that our
> foreign policy... (I digress.)
> Instead you focus on trivialities said about you and then react like a
> victim. Your rhetoric is AM radio Rush/Rove/Coulter stuff, and I
> believe that, after 20ish years of that, it is hurting our
country--Big Time.
> You see, Mr. and Mrs. Keady believe in free speech as long as it is
> My free speech of dressing my kids for the Columbus landing didn't get
> respect - If got me called "Fucking Idiot" "Fucking lunatic" and
> Oh how respectful of the opinions of others! Do you think that might
> been on my mind when writing my column?
> I'll repeat, I never voted for him, and I don't like his priorities
> Asbury Park. This town needs to get back on its feet before it can
afford much
> more of Christian charity (what you would call pinko activities).
> I bet though you'll still think I'm the guy with contempt in his heart
> not them. The false labeling comes with the territory of being
> - I'm used to it and can't do anything about it so I won't even try.
> I said disdain, not contempt, I think. It's that neo-con moral
> thing (think smarmy "Santorum") you seem to wear on your sleeve.
> No I wouldn't be surprised if Keady turned out to be a hypocrite, or
> (hang on, here comes a major Bush vocabulary word) an "evil-doer." We
on the
> left are a lot more skeptical of the holy guys. That's why I sicced
> [sic] on the Rev Kev. (BTW: That "whomever" you used above deserved a
> lol)
> Where would your party be today without Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell, Pat
> Robertson et al.?
> I see below that any affiliation with me causes you grief from others.
> don't want your reputation ruined for knowing me, so I'll ease you of
> burden. You need not interact with me. You can let whomever they are
know that
> you told me off but good so you can get back in their good graces.
> Sorry if I wasn't clear about the above. I got no grief personally; I
> meant to indicate that the Yahoo responses contained mainly "disses"
about you
> and your columns. As a "compassionate liberal," I tried to shield you
> them.
> Read some of your words above again; man, and you righties talk about
> self-pitying victim-syndrome!
> Interestingly enough, I never met you or Keady personally, but I
> that I would prefer having a beer with you than with him.
> Hmmmm. Wait a minute. Isn't that why many voters said they voted for
> rather than Kerry?
> Tikkum Olam,
> Mario
> =================================================
> 10/15 Another major conservative voice on TV tonight All promo from
> C-Span. Nothing composed by me.
> =============================================
> 10/15 Tommy, In reference to:
> You certainly conduct a great deal of psycho-analyzing of me below
> You based that comment on 2 or 3 sidebar-type paragraphs, and I've
> responded to that.
> But consider the following:
> I checked out your link to the video which you claimed showed that
> advocated assassinating the president. I watched it several times.
> 1. In that clip, the image of the aimed gun lasted about two seconds.
> 2. That image was apparently placed there, next to Zinn, by whoever
> the video.
> 3. I found nothing indicating that Zinn approved of that
> 3. I haven't yet found the origin of that image; my guess is that it
> connected with a movie that will be released Oct 27. _Looking for
Sleepers in
> a Wake-Up World - New York Times_
> (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/08/movies/08farb.html)
> Could you not be accused of a major stretch or, worse yet, "Swiftboat
> Journalism":
> 1. Two second gun clip. 2. placed next to clip of Zinn by someone
> than Zinn. 3. Keady recommends reading Zinn. 4. Calls for Keady's
> in print and on the web.
> Should you go to the NYT link above, please also consider the
> before writing a column about the movie:
> 1. The film is being released by the company that released "The
Passion of
> the Christ."
> 2. The web site for the film includes a clever stratagem: links to
> by people who saw the film, and links to reviews by people who haven't
> the film.
> Mario
> ==================================================
> Finally, regarding your comment that I should get out to hear what
> are saying about the councilman:
> I heard what others have said. And too many of them are tossing the
> "Commie" around. That scares the shit out of me. As far as I'm
concerned, you
> are at least in part, a major part, responsible for that.

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