Tommy, I'll just be the Queen,  okay? Baseless allegations? You should know! 
12/5/2006 at 8:47:57 P.M.

Beautiful!  Succinct and  right on target!

========Original  Message========     Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Eminent Domain  
Date: 12/5/2006 8:47:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time  From: 
(mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:    

I'll just be the Queen, okay? Baseless allegations? You should  know!

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> ---  In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
"2fine4u" <sharon_b283@> wrote:
> > Tommy,
>  > You said, you write opinions for the TCN, right?
> > Yours, or  theirs? 
> My opinions are almost always contrary to the rest of  the paper. 
> That's why I'm there. 
> > I'm confused  and had stopped
> > reading TCN, because of some of the most blatent  slander, I've ever
> > read! 
> Name one.
> >That paper goes after a person's character, reputation  and
> > misjudges individuals, ALL the time, in a very biased, unfair,  
> >manner.
> Never. However I do judge the opinions of  others all the time. 
> Anyone who puts their opinion in the public square  is fair game to 
> have their opinion challenged. Me included.
> > I consider it a "gossip" sheet, rather than "fair and balanced",  
> >using
> > the FOX Media line, which is neither FAIR or  BALANCED. 
> If you are comparing me to Fox News, then thank you.  I hope to be 
> in their employ someday.
> > I would  swear you have a vendetta
> > against JK, simply because he tries to  help those who can't or 
> >don't
> > have the means to help  themselves. 
> Why would I be against that? My difference with JK  is usually on 
> how to help the poor, not whether to help. I believe in  
> highlighting the curative, not the palliative. The palliative 
>  always looks like they care more. It just is that way and I can't 
>  change that. The problem is at some point the palliative becomes an 
>  enabler of poverty, and at that point that which is posing as "help" 
> to  the poor becomes immoral.
> I spent a good amount of time talking  to Tom Smith at the "counter 
> of wisdom" in Frank's Deli. I learned a  great deal from him on what 
> Black and Brown people need to get ahead.  The same way he got ahead.
> >He is seen as the  "voice of the
> > voiceless" in the Black and Hispanic Community, here.  
> Well then there is your problem. Get your own voice.
> > You represent the status quo, the
> > almighty dollar and  the power elite's, bottom line.
> You are the queen of the  baseless allegations. On what facts did 
> you come to the above  conclusion?


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