once the waterfront redevelopment is done, i dont think all the crime will go 
away.  thats rediculous to think that in my oppinion.  however, i do think some 
of it will.  its possiable the types of people that cause such destruction and 
violence wont want to "walk" in the areas where they can cleary see they are 
"not wanted"  i think its one of the ways the mind thinks (sometimes at least). 
 example, if your wearing dirty clothes, and have been working all day, you may 
feel odd about going into a fancy store.  some wouldnt of course, but overall, 
i think many would clean up first before entering.  the streetscapes alone will 
be new, clean, and organized looking.  something the waterfront hasnt had for 
many years.  i think it may be hard for someone to cause damage or prostitute 
when they can physicaly see the change.  thoughts may enter their heads about 
whos watching them.  thoughts that only would be triggered because of their 
surroudnings, weather someone is watching or
 not.  in a more run down area, i dont think any thought would be there.  
prostitutes dont walk around in ocean township or deal, allenhurst.  they 
could, but they dont.  these types of people are drawn to worn down areas, like 
the asbury waterfront.  quite, empty.  when that is changed, some difference 
will be seen.

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