Homeless woman charged with stealing food in  Asbury Park
Posted by the _Asbury Park  Press_ (http://www.app.com/)  on 01/10/07
ASBURY PARK — A homeless woman stole food and plastic containers  from 
reception area outside 
the city manager's office, police  said.

Carla Deleva, 52, whose last known address was in  Keyport, was arrested 
Tuesday and charged with burglary and theft,  according to a complaint.

She entered the municipal complex  through the front door around midnight, 
said Lt. David Kelso. That  door remains unlocked to provide entry to the 
department, he  said.

But Deleva entered the city government portion of the  building through the 
elevators and made her way to the area outside  the office of City Manager 
Terence Reidy, police said.

A  maintenance worker found her sleeping on a couch around 6 a.m. and  
alerted police, said Kelso.

She was being held Wednesday  afternoon at the Monmouth County Jail, in lieu 
of $5,000 bail. 
Michelle Sahn   
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