(http://www.zwire.com/site/tab7.cfm?brd=2384)       03/10/2007  Ratner  
suffers setback in Supreme Court - Judge rules in favor of local  property 
By  Stephen Witt 
As this  paper went to press, the New York State Supreme Court ruled in favor 
 of property owner Henry Weinstein in a dispute over several of his  
properties in the footprint of the Atlantic Yard project. 


Judge  Justice Ira B. Harkavy ruled that Weinstein’s long-term tenants,  real 
estate developer Shaya Boymelgreen, improperly assigned their  lease to 
Forest City Ratner Companies (FCRC) for the properties at  752-766 Pacific 
and 535 Carlton Avenue. 

The decision  permits Weinstein to regain full control of his properties.  

In court filings, Weinstein said that FCRC never made him a  firm offer for 
his properties, and that FCRC implied that if he did  not sell, the Empire 
State Development Corporation would take the  property through eminent domain. 

Weinstein is also one of  the plaintiffs in a lawsuit to stop the use of 
eminent domain to  proceed with the $4 billion project. 

“I’ve always believed  in the rule of law,” Weinstein said following the 

“I’m pleased that the truth prevailed today, and I am  confident that my 
co-plaintiffs and I will win our challenge to  Ratner’s unconstitutional use of 
the power of eminent domain,” he  added. 

Boymelgreen could not be reached for comment at press  time. 

FCRC attorney Jeffrey Braun said the company cannot  comment in detail on the 
decision because the suit did not directly  involve the company he 

“FCRC purchased the  leases for the property in question from another 
developer. That  developer of course believed he had the right to sell those 
under his contract with the landlord, as is often the case with  leases such 
as these held for extended periods of time,” said Braun.  

“The developer has advised us that he will appeal the  decision. Finally, we 
do not believe that this decision will have  any impact of the project and are 
continuing with the preparatory  work begun last week,” he added.  

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