Did JK write this?

----- Original Message ----
From: dfsavgny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:00:19 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] APP Editorial

No shelter in Asbury
Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 03/29/07
Post Comment 
After two years of legal wrangling over a Morristown agency's 
request, and ultimate approval, to locate a 40-bed homeless shelter 
in Asbury Park, city zoners have been asked by the courts to review 
their decision.

The zoning board's approval of the shelter, which opened briefly 
recently, was appealed by a citizens group, and a Superior Court 
judge ordered the zoners to again weigh the benefits and drawbacks of 
the shelter.

The city has good reason to feel "had" in its prior approval. It 
should rectify that mistake by not repeating it.

Market Street Mission's gospel rescue shelter originally promised 
city zoners its Jersey Shore Rescue Mission would be open only to 
Asbury Park men. But mission officials told zoners at two recent 
hearings that it was their intent to house the homeless from other 
towns and counties as well.

It's not fair for Asbury Park to become saddled with the social-
service problems for the whole region so other towns can sanitize 
themselves of the poor, especially as the city starts getting 
traction in its hard-fought economic revival. We only can imagine the 
outcry if this group had sought to locate a regional shelter in any 
other Monmouth County community.

Given the facts presented in the first two hearings — a third is 
scheduled for April 24 — the zoners' decision should be easy. They 
should tell the judge they don't want the shelter. It has proved to 
be a bad neighbor. It was open for a short time recently, but the 
city had to shut it down for overnight use when fire officials found 
no sprinkler system had been installed on the second-floor dormitory, 
where men slept.

The nonprofit group also has a less-than-stellar record in 
Morristown. The state recently ordered it to stop alcohol and drug 
counseling there because it was not licensed to offer it. Yet, that's 
part of its avowed mission in Asbury Park.

The group has said gay men who are housed there will be treated as 
sex addicts. Disputable gospel teachings will be used for behavior 
modification. And the mission has a "don't ask, don't tell" policy on 
crime, according to Morristown police, that has kept them out of the 
loop about residents in the shelter there, including one who was a 
murder suspect.

The mounting evidence is clear. This homeless shelter is the last 
thing Asbury Park needs.

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