"Just trying to get an idea if propecting public property and historic 
sites has any value to this community.
I'm getting tired...
       I think they care, just not in the same way you do.  It's no wonder your 
tired.  I don't think you will ever win your battle againts certain people.  No 
one is right or wrong really.  It's two different ways of thinking.
       Some people want everything to be exact, dead on, the way it's sopose to 
be.  Lights mouldings all the correct time period.  Others see it as making the 
buildings look their best.  If it means making small changes or modifications 
to make something look better, then do it.
       Of course with the second way of thinking, thats not going along with 
the codes and restrictions that some of these buildings have.  I think those 
rules are over looked sometimes.   

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