"Charlie with all do respect, I think you are jumping to conclusions. 
The cleaning and repointing was done years ago by the prior owner.
Did you actually SEE rigging and workmen on the outside of the 
building? It is no easy task and would be very noticable.
You have a tendency to attribute and speculate a lot in your posts 
by extending your observations a bit.
I have not seen any exterior work being done and I go by there every 
day. Yes a few windows look new.

  Yes, im wel aware the cleaning and repointing was done a ew years ago.  After 
a few months, the work tends to fade, and become unnoticiable.  To the point 
where the whole building is once again brick, with no noticable pointing or 
fixing.  Now there are marks everywhere, and dust on the bricks around each 
window.. This would most likley mean work has been done.  How do i  extend my 
obsercvations?  I only say what i see on here.  never more.

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