"Preservationists are highly misunderstood. The usual battle cry from 
the opposing side it that preservationists want to hold back progress, 
cling to the past, live in a museum, etc.

Such descriptions are inevitably those of the ignorant and ill-informed."
       Good points.  I think most people on this list understand what 
preservation is.  Although i guess there are some who do not.  I just wanted to 
point out that while we want to restore some of these buildings, we dont want 
to "restore" them to the point that their unsuable (like a museum).  The 
restored use should use all the potential the buidlnig has to offer.  We dont 
want to miss chances by holding back, because of being overly historicaly 
       You dont want to restore something, so accurate, that it wont work with 
todays building standards, or buidlnig usages.  For example, the new Paramount 
entrance is huge, and can handle large lines of people.  The old one, while not 
the orignal, was small and cramped everyone up outside.

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