Tommy D. has precisely identified all the services available to homeless
in AP (and how we out do the rest of the county).

So if  there are still 25-116 homeless in town, they might be among the
chronic homeless, resistent to standard outreach, as in the the two
articles which follow.


Off the Street and in an Apartment, but Unable to Escape Homelessness <>

June 11, 2007 NYT

Off the Street and in an Apartment, but Unable to Escape Homelessness

Selected excerpts:

For years, Johnny Five lived not on the streets but below them, in the
dark underworld beneath an abandoned train station in the Bronx.

Peter D. Beitchman, the executive director of the Bridge Inc., a
nonprofit group that provides housing and services to mentally ill
homeless people and others, immediately arranged for him to move into an

It is easy in a sense to take the city's homeless people off the
streets, but it is harder, as Johnny's odyssey illustrates, to take
homelessness out of them.

He had bold ambitions of starting over. Sister Lauria and two case
managers, one from the Bridge and one from the Visiting Nurse Service of
New York, planned to help him make the transition.

"Sometimes the one living in that cardboard box is happier than the
one living at the penthouse," he said.

Johnny's homelessness was not about a lack of housing. It was more
complicated, a result of a variety of spiritual, psychological and
emotional causes.

  Weeks after moving in, he kept returning to the cave. "There was no
life in the apartment. I will compare it to a spring break, with all the
utilities and this and that and whatever. But no, it's not for

The Bridge had offered him another apartment and tried to have him
undergo a psychiatric evaluation, but Johnny missed those appointments.
"We hope that Johnny will come back," said Mr. Beitchman, the
executive director of the Bridge. "We do hope. Our experience in all
these years is that folks are at different points of readiness at
different times."

In the end, he left the apartment for reasons that made sense only to
him.  "Even though housing seemed like a baby step in light of
everything else going on in his life, it was too much of a big
step," she said.

Johnny said he was now sleeping in a plywood hut he had built near the
cave. He was a jumble of emotions, a paradox of hope and despair.


  Proselytizing "turns homeless people off."
Excerpts: From Library Edgy Over Order To Tolerate Homeless - New York
A8EDDAC0894D9494D81>   Morristown, NJ                 ...the library ...
a symbol of security amid insecurity and, more tangibly, a sign of this
community's edgy coexistence with its homeless.    ...Unease Behind the
Granite Walls:...In the aftermath of Judge Sarokin's ruling, the
library's atmosphere seems uneasy.   Two days later the Headquarters
Plaza hotel in Morristown offered to enroll Mr. Kreimer in its job
programs for the homeless and for recovering drug addicts and alcoholics
from the Market Street Mission here. He refused the offer.    ...but
[Mr. Kreimer, homeless] now spends his nights in Lidgerwood Park and his
days, it seems, bedeviling and befuddling town officials and others
trying to help him.    ...Mr. Kreimer objects to what he has called a
religious element in the mission's rehabilitation work. "That turns
homeless people off," he said in an interview last week.
============================================ Even with highly
professional outreach and follow-ups, many poor souls still slip through
the cracks.  Seems like major efforts are needed to reach out for the
most highly competent among the psychiatric, spiritual, social worker
and legal professions.   None of which are documented for JSRM/MSM.  
Call in the county, the state, the feds; the Vatican retinue in Trenton
or similar to take on the burden.
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