I'll take any cue to reiterate my views > research > conclusions on  JSRM.    
Much of that compiled here:  
I also sent McLaughlin and Keady emails challenging them to explain their  
support for that "mission" in light of the many objections being raised. 
Neither responded.  So the accuracy of my findings remains  unchallenged.
Looks like the tax-exempts of all stripes are more prone to "gather their  
wagons 'round" rather than face scrutiny.  How "ecumenical" of them;  however, 
don't think that's what John XXIII meant by the term.

In a message dated 6/20/2007 1:43:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

If you  think there is trouble in liberty park now.  Think about what would  
happen if that shelter is bringing in all those people and letting them out  
for the day.  

If a Keady ticket is in the works, others should be recruited  ....
No support from me unless he backs off support for JSRM.. 

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