In a message dated 9/2/2007 11:33:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Make sure you read Tommy's article about
Michael Vicks as well. He's got it all figured out.He reminds us how
great we humans are, that dogs are cute but otherwise
insignificant...While I completely understand the point Tommy was trying
to raise, unfortunately he made a poor choice to illustrate his
point.... Tom's point/argument "that we over-evaluate beasts" became
convoluted when it dragged in Byrd's ancient KKK history, condemns Byrd
to Hell, the human fetus abortion debate,  Vick as keynote speaker at
the Democratic Convention, and declares that animals have no souls.  All
hot buttons which confuse the issue.  All heat and no light;  a mile
wide but an inch shallow; all off topic.   Regarding "soul":  I'll
always be thankful to  those teachers who required us students to read
Aristotle who proposed three forms of soul: 1. the vegetative soul
possessed by plants in that they grow and decay and enjoy nutriment, but
they do not have motion and sensation, 2. the animal soul which bestows
animals with motion and sensation, the capacity to interact in the world
through sense experience. and 3. the rational soul which is the
conscious and intellectual soul peculiar to man. Each higher form
possesses in full the attributes of the lower souls, which makes human
beings the only possessor of all three types. It helped to explain the
human affinity for their pets.  Tom's "Him" seems quite different from
Francis of Assisi's "Him,"  Blessing All Creatures, Great and Small:
"All praise to you, Oh Lord, for all these brother and sister
creatures"; and  "My sister birds, ...although you neither know how to
spin or weave, God dresses you and your children, for the Creator loves
you [dogs and ideologues included] greatly and He blesses you
abundantly." Maybe those prayers are too sissy-ish when one needs to
affect machismo.           

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