"The law would allow cohabitating same-sex couples—and hetero couples in which at least one partner is older than 62—to register as domestic partners with the state attorney general's office. Domestic- partnership status would give each partner the right to make decisions if the other is incapacitated, such as arranging funerals and authorizing autopsies. It would also prevent hospitals from denying gay people access to a partner's hospital room—something that can happen when the state does not formally recognize a relationship."


On Sep 3, 2007, at 5:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Civil Unions are discriminatory against non gay's.

If I wanted to better protect my assets beyond my death, or to share my family benefits with an adult member of my household, whom was of the opposite sex, I am not afforded any benefits under this arbitrary, capricious and discriminating act in New Jersey.

I have a friend who is of the opposite sex. Yet we are like family, she is like my big sister and I want to share my health insurance and make sure my assets are her's to have when I pass.

We are not married, nor do we wish to marry. We want civil union rights as well.

Without this right for all people it is a violation of all that is decent.

I am calling upon all people to fights to see that civil union laws stop discriminating against the majority of Americans.

We need to challenge the New Jersey Act in Federal Court...

Whose with me...

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