Iraq has ignored 17 UN resolutions, Israel 64. When are we bombing Israel?

Wow. You are so filled with Faux Noise talking points, it's amazing. Just keep throwing out these lies and hoping something gets through, or what?

Joe Wilson did NOT find evidence of Iraq trying to get Uranium from Africa.
"European countries like France, Germany..."

Are you really turning to France to support your falsehoods? That's rich. FREEDOM FRIES!

"That was the ship's banner"- false.

"The banner, which has been a source of controversy for the Bush administration, has been mocked many times over the failed search for weapons of mass destruction and the continuing violence in Iraq. Bush said in October that the White House had nothing to do with the banner; a spokesman later clarified that the ship’s crew asked for the sign and that the White House staff had it made by a private vendor. It was not clear who paid for the sign."

"I'll await the General's report next week."

The General is not issuing the report. The White House is, and no one in the world believes or trusts them.

"The Los Angeles Times reports that Gen. David Petraeus’ upcoming Sept. 15 report on Iraq will be authored by the White House:

Despite Bush’s repeated statements that the report will reflect evaluations by Petraeus and Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, administration officials said it would actually be written by the White House, with inputs from officials throughout the government.

And though Petraeus and Crocker will present their recommendations on Capitol Hill, legislation passed by Congress leaves it to the president to decide how to interpret the report’s data."

"All the land America ever asks for in a war is enough space to bury our fallen soldiers."


"Dozens of Iraqis protested in central Baghdad on Saturday against the expected debate in parliament later this month of a draft oil law Washington deems a cornerstone of reconciliation efforts. The demonstration was called by left-wing groups opposed to moves to open up Iraq's oil and gas sector to Western firms in the same bill that aims to reassure Sunnis that earnings will be fairly shared among the country's divided communities. Protest organisers used microphones to denounce the draft law, which has already been approved by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's cabinet, saying it should not be passed while the United States is still calling the shots. "The occupier is trying to impose this law by pressurising the weak Maliki government which rapidly endorsed the law and sent it to the so-called House of Deputies for endorsement," trade union leader Subhi al-Badri told AFP. "The occupier has interfered and even demanded that deputies shorten their leave in order to endorse such a vital law which is the main reason behind the occupation," he added."

"9/11 changed all that."

What did 9-11 change? It changed the propaganda line, pure and simple. The neocon architects of the preemptive Iraq War were able to pull out the 'remember the lessons of 9-11' line on every occasion; it became the propaganda masterpiece to promote the invasion. Joseph Goebbels would have applauded it loudly. The real masterpiece was the ability of Dick Cheney to not only cover-up his negligence for the 9-11 attacks, but to spin his irresponsibility 180 degrees into a perfect excuse to fool the American people yet again. He knew that the mantra '9-11' would stir up vengeance in the American people, and so this master manipulator of propaganda began using 9-11 and its al- Qaeda connection in every speech prior to the March 2003 invasion. He still does.

On Sep 4, 2007, at 10:24 AM, justifiedright wrote:

--- In, "Hinge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What a bunch of BS about the war and the reasons we went there.
> When the war started, we went for one reason, and one reason only.
> WMD.

Close - Saddam was violating the agreement he made from Gulf War I
and ignored 17 UN resolutions about having WMD's. That's one of the
reasons we went in.

> That is what the whole world was told by Bush.

That's what the whole world told to Bush. Even the folks that
refused to go in thought the WMD, including all your favorite
European countries like France, Germany as well as the anti-American

> And the whole reason was both false, and partially a lie (See
>aluminum tubes in Africa)

So France, German and the UN were lying too? Don't forget the
Senate found Joe Wilson did find evidence of Iraq trying to get
Uranium from Africa, contrary to that traitor's oral report after
his free barbeque trip to Africa.

> Then, we have the whole "Mission Accomplished" BS.

That was the ship's banner; the ship accomplished its mission and
was on its way back home. How nice of you to call those sailors BS.

> There are more terrorists now then before the war thanks to Bush.

You counted them? Even if there are more, there aren't an endless
supply of them. We'll get to the last one.

> And another thing, when the Republicans spin any form of success
>about "The Surge",

I'll await the General's report next week.

> always fail to mention the fact that many, many thousands of Iraq
>civilians and fighters
> have been killed during the war. That means there are less people
to fight. I'd like to see
> Bush release stats about how many Iraqi civilians have been
>killed by us.

Some civilians were killed, but I hope you are not alleging
purposefully. What an inusult to the military that gives you the
right to typer here today if you are promoting that lie.

> And let's be we are in the USA, a country that is
>approximately 230 years
> old.
> We go to the middle east and try to impose democracy on a
>civilization that is 1000's of
> years old.

Our governments older than their government. By the way, don't you
support democracy?

> No wonder they hate us.

How much did the terrorists love us on Septemeber 10?

>Now, i'm not saying that Iraq before the war was a
> great place. The way they treat women over there is horrible.

Men too.

>But I am disturbed that we
> are becoming an Empire.

Empire? All the land America ever asks for in a war is enough space
to bury our fallen soldiers.

>I think we should start concentrating in fixing our own problems
> then trying to fix what we perceive as other countries problems.

9/11 changed all that.

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