And at one time he had the support of many on this board

----- Original Message ----
From: asburycouple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2007 1:20:02 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Icaruscriesfire is Asbury Park Pedaler - and here's 
the proof

Agree with you comletely Jack. I'm just glad this guy is off the boardwalk. 
What a vile 
cancer of a human being he appears to be. And how can anyone be so blinded by 
bitterness at a perceived wrong even a year after he should have moved on. 
Based on his 
posting both with his old and his new identity I tend believe the real reason 
he didn't get 
the cooperation from the city and AP was him. Who would want to work with this 

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Hinge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Compare these 2 posts and note the similarities;
> 1) Found on Asbury Park Pedalers website - "FREE WERNER!!!!
> the pompous elite at the top of Asbury Park's food chain are at it again! Let 
> the criminals 
> rule the streets; and jail the concerned citizens, who have more integrity in 
> their pinky 
> finger nail, than the entire city counsel. You all are going to be 
> responsible for a fall that 
> asbury will never recover from. Nero is fiddling again!!! You backwards ass 
> idiots! I can't 
> believe how long the good citizens of AP will put up with corruption and 
> beurocratic BS. 
> Why do they leave in droves? I thought this was a revitalization! Suck it, 
> "City of Asbury 
> Park"
> Keep sucking til it's all gone!"
> 2- Posted by Icaruscriesfire -
> "1. The chamber of commerce is "owned" by the pompous upper echelon that
> is attempting to rape AP. As a merchant, you can pay your $125 for the
> right to be ignored by these high brow snobs.
> 2. Y'all can play down the crime all you want in the media; but it's
> getting worse. Once WHITEY gets gunned down on the boardwalk
> (particularly a NEW whitey with an esteemed condo on the water); it's
> all over. You know it, and I know it.
> 3. Everyone that I speak to in those "towns with money" (paraphrase) ,
> surrounding AP, are convinced that it's never coming back. AP is a
> constant reminder of corruption and crime; and a black mark on Monmouth
> county, and NJ. An embarrasment. They don't let their kids GO to AP; as
> no one should. They have real class. Not this neuvo-riche pompous
> attitude driven soley by greed fueling those at the top of the food
> chain in AP.
> irrelevant question:
> Who are we looking to attract now that the gays are leaving, families?
> OK. What's the plan tomorrow? To change the plan?
> Asbury Park Pedaler hates Asbury Park, but still retains the name. 
> Interesting.

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