Welcome back Werner!

This whole situation has opened a lot of peoples eyes around here I think.

On Sep 8, 2007, at 7:18 PM, wernerapnj wrote:

Approximately 24 hours ago I was released from the Monmouth County
Correctional Institute (the County Jail) where I was incarcerated in
an attempt to "correct" my difficulties in obtaining financing to
perform repairs on my home.

I had thought that debtors prisons were abolished years ago but that
is apparantly not the case as I was charged with Contempt of Court.
I have taken the time till now to address needed business matters
such as paying mortgages and bills, catching up on voice mails,
emails and of course this group and the press.

First, allow me to express my profound thanks for the support,
concern and expressions of outrage regarding my situation.

As I was wisked away from Asbury park and locked in a cell without
means of communication I fully anticipated that most would
celebrate the removal of "that pain in the ass" (me).

While I attained notorioty in the facility ("You're here for
WHAT ???) I was unaware of the far reaching effect on the community
I left behind.

I'm thankful to have had at least limited contact with the group
through Maureen whose number I was forced to write with mustard on a
paper towel since pen and paper were unavailable.

Thank you to Tommie's wife for looking up that critical lifeline to
the outside world for me during one of my initial "free" collect
phone calls.

While I'm still getting details of what transpired in Court to gain
my release, it is my understanding that many volunteered themselves
and letters of support to help.

Thank you all, its good to be in the sun again.


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