Petraeus says surge is working but Democrat disagrees
Posted by the _Asbury Park Press_ (  on  09/10/07
WASHINGTON — Gen. David Petraeus says President Bush’s decision in January 
to  increase the number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq by 30,000 is working - a point 
 disputed by many Democrats, including one from South Jersey.

The  commander of U.S. forces in Iraq said today American and Iraqi troops 
have dealt  “significant blows” to al-Qaida and Shiite militant leaders, adding 
that it’s  possible to reduce the U.S. military force to pre-“surge” levels 
of about  130,000 by next summer.

Petraeus said a long-term commitment is critical  to stabilize the situation 
in Iraq, which right now is “complex, difficult and  sometimes downright 
frustrating.” He said U.S. objectives would be met, but in  time.

However, Rep. Rob Andrews, D-Haddon Heights, said nothing in  Petraeus’ 
much-anticipated testimony to the House Armed Services and Foreign  Relations 
committees changes his mind that the war is misguided. 

The  U.S. should no longer referee a “civil war” between Sunnis and Shiites, 
he said.  

All U.S. forces should be pulled out in the next 1½ years and the  orderly 
withdrawals should begin in 90 days, said Andrews, a member of the Armed  
Services Committee.

The point of the surge, which Bush announced in  January, was to reduce 
violence and give the Iraqi government time to gain  “legitimacy” to do its 
Andrews said. Petraeus’ report shows there’s been  some reduction in the 
violence, though that's debatable, Andrews said.  

He pointed to a report last week by the Government Accountability Office  
that shows the Iraqi government hasn't met seven of eight benchmarks of  

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