Sounds like the borad of ed does not need this building and a senior facility 
is needed.  Board of Ed is currently running without 1 school.  So use that.  
Sell the Braverman building to the city.  Next take that money to renovate and 
clean the Bang school building.  You can use that for the preschool and the 
borad of ed offices.  This not only fixes the problems but would also reduce 
costs becuase you would not need to lease office space.  Could it be this 

----- Original Message ----
From: asburycheech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:57:18 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: City, Board of Ed, the State and...

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "oakdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> REad today's press on the school board, pre-k, board offices etc etc.
> Only in AP no one knows what the other wants to do.
> And the state paid $5.2m for the building which has sat empty.
> SOS.
> Go Frank Go.
> See Frank Go.
> Go Frank Go.
> Make sense out of it.

I actually feel the same way about the lack of communication. 
How in the world would the BOE know what the council was up to
especially with respect to the Braverman building when just a week
previous, council members were quoted as saying that the building they
were negotiating for was in the Redevelopment Zone? Mr. Bruno was
quoted as saying that the developers probably would want something in
return for taking that building out the zone (maybe extra floors for
their luxury condos, etc.) How's this for chutzpah: years ago the
council condemned the BOE administration building (public property) to
hand it over to private developer and felon Kushner without so much as
consulting the Board. For what it is worth, this is my recollection
of last week's council meeting. (For "health" reasons I do not go to
council meetings. The only reason I attended this one was because I
had visited Werner in the county jail that afternoon and hoped to
speak to people who would be at the council meeting. I also
considered speaking about the treatment of Werner at the public
comment portion of the meeting. That became moot when I left the
meeting abruptly.)

Monday, September 10, 2007

I was at the Asbury Park City Council meeting of Wednesday, September
5, 2007. I arrived shortly after 7 PM. The 6 PM Workshop meeting was
still going on when I arrived. Toward the end of that Workshop
meeting (about 8 PM), Councilman Loffredo announced to the people in
the meeting, including many senior citizens present who were prepared
to submit a petition to the council concerning the lack of progress in
the 5-year search for a permanent Senior Center, that he had good
news. Mr. Loffredo said that the city was acquiring the "Braverman
Building" as the new Senior Center. Since I had been involved along
with the Board of Ed President Robert DiSanto and the Superintendent
of Schools at the time, Dr. Lewis, I was shocked to hear Mr. Loffredo
say that since I knew that was the same building which the now-defunct
SCC had bought for the Board of Ed to be torn down and replaced with a
state of the art Early Childhood Learning Center. We had been working
on the plans for many years, and the only thing that prevented further
progress was the fact that the SCC had run out of money. 

When Mr. Loffredo made his announcement, there was a cheer from
the senior citizens present. At that time, I went over to one of the
Senior leaders, Mrs. Marianne Kisloski, and explained that this was
the property that was supposed to house the ECLC. I expressed my
displeasure that the Council seemed to be pitting one group against
the other by making this announcement, when no more than a week
previous, it had been announced that the building for which the
Council was negotiating was in the Redevelopment Zone (about a half
mile away from the Braverman Building), and according to the deputy
Mayor, the negotiations had to be secret and the "Developers" would
have to be in on the negotiations as well as the unnamed building's
owners since they would probably want something in return for the
taking a building out of that zone. Here it was a week later and the
building now being acquired was nowhere near the redevelopment zone. 

When that Workshop meeting ended and there was a short recess, I
asked the reporter for the Asbury Park Press, Ms. Nancy Shields, if
she had heard what I had heard. She said she did, and at that point I
approached the City Manager, Mr. Terry Reidy, for an explanation. I
prefaced my remarks by saying that this was yet another instance of
the Council refusing to communicate with the BOE that would cause a
huge problem, like they did when they condemned the BOE's
Administration building without so much as consulting with the BOE. I
said they were now creating a conflict between the Seniors and the
kids, and the BOE would be made to be the villains. At that point he
said that he knew that the BOE had sent a letter to the State saying
we were no longer interested in the Braverman Building as an ECLC! I
reminded him that I was a member of the BOE, was involved in the
discussions about the building including having commented on
renderings of the proposed facility, in which way the new building
should be oriented (the Braverman building was parallel to the
railroad tracks), where the drop-off for the buses would be, etc.,
etc. I told him I wanted to see a copy of the letter he was talking
about. At that point (about 8:15 PM), the so-called 7 PM regular
meeting was gaveled to order. I was so upset about what had just
transpired that I immediately left the council chambers and went home.

I immediately called a fellow board member, Mr. Greg Brewington,
told him what had transpired and what Mr. Reidy had said to me, and
asked if he was aware of any letter from the BOE to the State that we
were no longer interested in the Braverman Building. He was unaware
of any such letter. The next morning I called the BOE President and
asked him if he was aware of any such letter. He was not, but he
would attempt to ascertain whether anyone in Central Office knew of
such a letter.

Frank D'Alessandro 

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