Moreover,  IF we need provocations like that, I think TD is  grandfathered in 
here and has credentials.  We don't need no [sic] self  promoters from Long 
Branch inciting shitake here.
In a message dated 9/14/2007 12:45:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

--- In, "Kevin Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> The President of the United States last night  asked the same question.
> I am awaiting the response from the  other side of the aisle.

When he admits to lying to us to get into a  war, then there will be
peace. When he admits that the entire fiasco in  Iraq is because we
invaded it, then there will be peace.

His address  last night insulted the intelligence of the American
people. The "mes" he  described in Iraq exists for only one reason - we
invaded it. Al Queda was  not an issue there with Saddam in power.
Sectarian violence was not an  issue when Saddam was in power, and even
if it was, it was not our  problem.

We have wasted the lives of over 3,700 US soldiers and  countless Iraqi
civilians (and obviously will continue to do so) to protect  a
government that doesn't exist. Iraq had a stable government.  We
overthrew it. We broke it and now must own it.

Cordiali  saluti,


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