Thanks for coming out Tommy.

We do it once a month.   The next two are planned.

October - we'll be trying something different this time. It'll be songs from The Beatles solo careers. We've been focusing on just one artist up to now so this will be a little different approach.

November - Tom Waits

We've got plans for the ones you mention. I originally had people vote on what artists they'd like to see covered and we're kind of working off of that. I'd also like to get some theme shows like Songs from Movies and stuff like that.

I believe the Twisted Tree is moving us to the last Sunday of each month and there won't be an open mic that day so we might start at 5pm and be able to start exactly on time :)

On Sep 18, 2007, at 10:53 AM, justifiedright wrote:

Great job Gary hosting the Twisted Covers of the Springsteen songs.
We loved it.

I hope you do more of these. Here are some other cover shows I would
go to if you put them on:

Simon and Garfunkel;
Jim Croce;
Grateful Dead
Rock Anthems;

Anyone else think of any?

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