
Have you tried writing a letter to the Asbury Park Press editorial page?

On Sep 22, 2007, at 11:05 AM, Hinge wrote:

I just took my dog for a walk in Library Square Park.
I don't know what was going on there last night, but it's a horrible, disgusting mess today.
I counted 5 empty pink little drug bags.
One used condom.
Broken glass everywhere around the fountain.
One of the 2 plants that I placed in the fountain urns has now been stolen.
Garbage everywhere, despite there being 4 garbage cans steps away.
I'm disgusted.
The lighting in the park at night is pathetic, and it's pretty obvious that the park is way off
the PDs radar at night.
It would be so easy for the city to help to fix this problem;
1) Better lighting
2) Make patroling the park at night a priority.
3) And once again, our city needs some form of video surveillence. How many years is this issue going to sit on the table until the city wakes up? Other cities in our state have used video surveillence to great success. AP knows this, but they get stuck at the "considering"
phase. Ridiculous.

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