>From "Towards a New Italian American Identity"
This site is part of an ongoing effort to develop a sense of
Italianità informed by history and vernacular culture that stands in
opposition to ethnic chauvinism, racism, sexism, or homophobia.
This site is dedicated to all you historians and writers, you painters,
you healers, ecstatic dancers of la pizzica tarantata, sons and
daughters of Artemesia Gentileschi and Louis Prima, you women warriors
<http://www.maliacollective.org/>  and Neapolitan Rastas, you piece
workers and day laborers of poetry and prose, devotees of La Madonna
Nera <http://www.italianrap.com/italam/folklore/madonna_nera/index.html>
, you po-mo neo-streghe, you nuovi briganti leading the cultural
insurrection for fresh ideas, a reinvented community, and a new vision
of who we are and what we can become.

Great stuff at the menu on the left.


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