Magnificent Voyage of Christopher Columbus

Monday, October 8, 9:00pm 
    *   _View  more broadcast times_ 
press=f&supersite=&program_title=Magnificent Voyage of Christopher Columbus)  

A chronicle of Columbus' first Atlantic  crossing includes a re-creation of 
the event using replicas of the Nina, Pinta,  and Santa Maria. The film is 
adapted from the seven-part BBC series "Columbus  and the Age of Discovery."
How to handle Columbus Day and the more  general study of the conquest of the 
Americas by Europeans is one of the  controversial topics that challenges the 
classroom teacher. There are no easy  answers. A good approach is to 
acknowledge up front the differences in  perspective on exploration and 
and to help students look at the  issue from more than one point of view. It 
also helps to put the issue in its  global context of people and events in 
Europe and the Americas before Columbus.  There is some excellent new 
on America before Columbus but not much  yet for young readers. Here is a set 
of reviewed web resources, internet  lessons, and literature for children and 
_Click  here: Untitled Document_ 

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