Regarding movies and PR for Asbury Park.  I've put this "out there"
before, but maybe clearer this time. -------------------------------
Would be great if  something similar to this came to AP on a weekly
basis....preferably at the Paramount.      Don't know how Monmouth U
hooked up with Clearview, but great tags like "Movies...The Way They
Were Meant to be Seen!"     Click here: Clearview Cinemas: Middlebrook
Classics <>   
At the bottom of that page, you'll see that it is "Sponsored by WMCX,
Radio Monmouth University."     No nickle and dime effort needed here ,
though....   AP can Think Big -- like Clearview's little Red Bank house;
ushers with flashlights monitoring the aisles; tables, refreshments
where people can chat waiting for next show time, etc.   But not like
Clearview's Middlebrook strip mall garages: lousy acoustics and dirty.  
Not too highbrow Art House either; I remember dragging people to the
Baronet in AP to see such in the 1970's.  Maybe that contributed to the
demise of the Baronet. <grin>   Call it Paramount Classics, Classics on
the Boardwalk, on the Ocean; Esperanza Classics,...whatever.   "Mayfair
Night" at the Paramount!         Eureka!  Exploit Paramount's &
NetFlix, DVDs, and DVR are great; but they keep
ever-so-reluctantly-aging boomers home, especially during the week.  
Bar, clubs used to keep shore towns jumpin' all the time; but MADD threw
out the baby with the bath water.   ====================================

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