In a message dated 10/17/2007 12:08:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

You  make remarks in a besmurching matter in regard to my personal life...Be  
advised, have all the facts to back your remarks and comments because I will  
defend myself and my reputation at all cost....Ministers are people, when you 
 stick em they bleed, when you fraudulently assail them,  ...

Wholly Smoke!
I know only what I read in the  papers,
but when the irrelevant question arose here about  my sexual proclivities,
I was reminded of a post which the Holy  spoke here:  
And of statements by county prosecutor John  Kaye to the press.
I make no claims to a spotless soul,  but
I never shat where I et.
"The general element, that determines whether a malicious user is a troll or  
not, is the level of indignant emotions present in the person, coupled with 
the  person's history with the forum or group. An indignant user who has had a  
previous normal relationship with the group is not a troll, even if the user  
uses methods of attack that are characteristic of a troll attack."   Wiki 

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