Re a post dated 10/17/2007 9:50:29 P.M.

A teacher of  young children needs to be able to display control from 
malicious attacks  unfounded and for no purpose.
Besides sexual pervertion[sic] is moral  failure. You want your children 
being tought by morally failing  people?
Thanks to progressive law-making in NJ (See  below), students and teachers 
are protected from people acting on the above  misguided assumptions.  Teachers 
must take action to prevent malicious  attacks (bullying).
Teachers must warn students guilty of  bullying (and their parents) that 
their behavior is illegal and  punishable.
A school district must make the  community aware of these laws or it becomes 
liable itself.
The laws prevent anyone from making the  workplace/school environment 
inhospitable to anyone.
It applies to "student-on-student,"  "teacher-on-student," 
"student-on-teacher," or any district employee on any  other employee.
Maybe after the 2008 elections, all states  will enforce these protections so 
that teaching and learning can take place  without fear.
Please support The West Park  Players:  
_ ( 
My own preference is for the Paramount  dates so we can pack that house and 
showcase that theater.  High school  performances generally have no problem 
selling out.

The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) makes it unlawful to  subject 
people to differential treatment based on race, creed, color, national  
origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex (including pregnancy), familial status, 
marital status, domestic partnership status, affectional or sexual orientation, 
atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability 
for  military service, and mental or physical disability, perceived disability, 
and  AIDS and HIV status. The LAD prohibits unlawful discrimination in 
employment,  housing, places of public accommodation, credit and business 
Not all  of the foregoing prohibited bases for discrimination are protected 
in all of  these areas of activity. For example, familial status is only 
protected with  respect to housing. The Division has promulgated regulations 
explain that a  place of public accommodation must make reasonable 
to its  policies, practices or procedures to ensure that people with 
disabilities have  access to public places. The regulations also explain that 
the LAD, these  reasonable accommodations may include actions such as providing 
auxilliary aides  and making physical changes to ensure paths of travel. For 
more information on  each area the LAD covers choose below:
The Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, has upheld the  state's 
Director of the Division of Civil Rights' (DDCR) ruling that a school  
district was liable for peer sexual harassment based on sexual orientation 
New Jersey's Law Against Discrimination (LAD). 
As I see the world, the secular humanists have  done more to alleviate the 
effects of "moral failings" than all the political  preachers lurking about for 
some loose change.
Silly me, in my "salad days," to think that the  movie "Marjoe" would expose 
once and for all that  nonsense.

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