Hope Tom is  right that AP will get some of the "spill over."
          Greetings from Asbury  Park:   
Ok, summer is officially over even though Mother  Nature gave us another 
taste on Tuesday. At the Asbury Park Chamber  of Commerce's Board of Directors' 
meeting this week, we discussed  all the great upcoming events for the rest of 
the year. I'll share  all the plans next week. Stay tuned! 
As the Director of Commerce for the city, whose  primary responsibility is 
economic development, I am totally excited  to report a new bank is coming to 
Asbury Park. I have spent the last  four years recruiting banks and I think I 
have talked to every bank  in the state. The Community Bank of Asbury Park will 
be located in  the new Griffin Building on the corner of Cookman and Grand 
Avenues.  This is another important sign that the city is on its way to  
developing a strong economy. I will fill you in with more details as  they 
available but this is truly HUGE! Stay tuned!  
Each year the Asbury Park Press publishes the  Readers' Choice Best of the 
Best. The 2007 BEST edition included  many Asbury Park establishments: 
Place to Dance: Paradise
Place to Listen To Music: Stone Pony
Singles Bar: Georgies
Fine  Dining: Moonstruck
Dentist:  Michael Brantley
Fire Department:  Asbury Park Fire Department
NJ  Boardwalk Venue: Asbury Park Boardwalk 
Congratulations to all the above winners but we all  know the city is full of 
bests. I was really disappointed that our  beach was not named one of the 
best. Wait till next year. Stay  tuned! 
This weekend, one of the world's most prestigious  horse races comes to 
Monmouth Park which is approximately ten miles  from the city. Predictions call 
about 40,000 spectators at the  event on Saturday. Since this is an 
international event, you know  many will be heading to Asbury Park to soak up 
coolest city on  the Jersey Shore. If you were one of the thousands who can't 
tickets, head to the Paramount Theatre and watch the races on a  giant screen 
complete with cigar bar, raw bar, full bar and free  WI-FI access. Warm up 
Friday night with Gary U.S. Bonds live at the  Stone Pony. Check out 
asburyevents.com for info. And they're  off! 
Patti and I had a great time Saturday night at the  Red Gala to launch Susan 
Pellingrini's documentary Greetings from  Stephen Crane: The Asbury Tales. If 
you are interested in  supporting the film's production, call Michael Heath at 
 732.299.6930. Cool! 
This Sunday at the Twisted Tree Café on Cookman  Avenue, seven local artists 
will perform solo works from the members  of The Beatles. The free show begins 
at 6 PM. Imagine! 
ONLY IN ASBURY: Market in the Middle, one the city's  favorite and great 
restaurants will be hosting an "Andy Clurfeld"  costume contest on Halloween 
night. For those of you who might not  know, "Andy Clurfeld" is Andrea 
the restaurant critic who  writes for the Asbury Park Press. When Market in the 
Middle opened,  Ms. Clufeld wrote a very negative critical review of the 
restaurant  that was also extremely nasty. Ironically, the negative and nasty  
review increased traffic to this wonderful dinning spot. Knowing  Asbury, we 
should attract some very interesting costumes. Call  732.776.8886 for details. 
in Asbury Park! 
Hilliary Duff has returned to the city to continue  the filming of Greta. 
Very special thanks to our favorite son, Bruce  Springsteen. Bruce donated 
funds to help the city acquire a tower  ladder truck for the Asbury Park Fire 
Department. You are the Boss!  Huge! 
So, it's finally fall. No matter what the season,  Asbury Park's the place to 
be. The city by the sea! 
Wishes for a wonderful and safe weekend, 
Tom Gilmour
Director of Commerce and Good  Times

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