New Jersey And Me… Almost Perfect Together

Adapted from today's Two River Times:   Click here: The Two River Times
===================================================== I LIVE IN Florida
most of the year, and it's not all it's cracked up to be.   For one
thing, it's no New Jersey.   In light of a recent Monmouth University
survey that shows approximately half of New Jerseyans want out of the
Garden State, I reassessed my own reasons for living in an adult
community in Crystal River, on the west coast of Florida, north of
Tampa….   We were luckier than most. In the ten years we spent
traveling the country, we visited every one of the 50 states….  
When it came time to settle down after ten years of traveling the
country as retirees, living in our recreational vehicle, we opted for
Florida, not because of the lower taxes - they are - (but so are the
benefits) or for the lower automobile insurance - (it is lower, but
there are fewer cars on the road) - but because it was the closest warm
spot to New Jersey. And that's where most of our children, some of our
grandchildren, and our hearts remain....   But Florida, north of Tampa,
promised warmth in winter and summer, airlines and trains that go
directly between there and New Jersey, and a cost of living that was
considerably less…..   It wasn't long before we found out the only
kind of decent bread were the loaves imported from New York or New
Jersey; decent- tasting bagels were impossible to find. It wasn't long
before we learned the hard-to-find restaurant on a par with the high
standards of so many in Monmouth County was "too high faluting… you
only go there on a special occasion."   We learned gasoline was at least
30 cents a gallon more… and for that price, we had to pump our own!
…. We learned we did save money on heating bills… enough to pour
into the higher electric bills necessary to fuel the air-conditioning
nine months a year. … We learned that living with old people…
and there are an awful lot of them in Florida… means missing the
laughter of a teenager, the giggles of a six-year-old, the excitement in
the eyes of a college student, and the warmth of holding a newborn close
to your heart.   We liked the lower taxes, but wondered about a city
that cancels an election that only has one candidate because write-ins
are not allowed, then appoints its choice, not until the next election,
but for the full duration of a three- year-term.    We wondered about
beaches people said were spectacular, but which we saw as mere spits of
sand compared to Sandy Hook or Atlantic City or Long Beach Island. We
dutifully toured `historic' turn-of-the century homes while thinking
of the entirety of Cape May being on the National List of Historic
Sites. We swam with the manatees in Crystal River, but didn't see the
plentitude of gulls, sandpipers or ducks we see around the Shrewsbury or
Navesink.   I'm one of the lucky ones. I can enjoy the warmth of Florida
in the winter, and the beauty, convenience and attitude of the people of
New Jersey the other three seasons. But I think those who are so eager
to leave without knowing what they're getting into should step back,
think long and hard,….   I asked [a Charleston lady] one day how she
could be so nice and courteous, and not ever say anything bad about
anyone as New Jerseyans have a reputation for doing.   "Why, Honey," she
drawled, "we're just like you. We talk about other people… we just
wait until you turn your backs!" Give me the honesty of New Jerseyans
any day.  ========================================================

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