Public Speaks at recent FCC Hearings; "And So Can You!" especially
through the end of this month.  Excerpt from the November 2, 2007
transcript of Bill Moyers' Journal.  Repeats tomorrow night at 7.
The FCC is the government body that sets the rules for media. And for a
decade now, it's become a citadel of power, swarming with media tycoons,
high priced lawyers and well placed lobbyists, finagling to make sure
the rules and regulations are shaped and bent to allow big media to get
even bigger.
A handful of mega-media corporations have gained unprecedented control
over radio ... television ... publishing and the Internet.  Five years
ago, when the FCC Chairman Michael Powell announced that the commission
was about to change the rule and allow a few media giants to own even
more television and radio stations in one town, you said enough's
enough. And somewhere between two or three million of you spoke up and
deluged the FCC and Congress with phone calls, emails, letters, and
postcards.  Now, a new chairman of the FCC Kevin Martin is pushing all
over again to reward..., and other conglomerates with what they want.
And he wants it done by Christmas. What's at stake is the subject of our
ANNE BLAND: We are represented as less intelligent than we are, less
caring than we are, less ambitious than we are, and less moral than we
are. Please make the concept of fair and balanced more than just a slick
advertising cliché  KRS-1 (LAWRENCE PARKER): Our culture is being
criminalized by the radio stations….We're not gangsters; we're not
pimps, 'hos, thugs. This is not who we are. But this is what we're being
advertised as….Chairman Martin is saying that he wants to close this
up by the middle of December, by December 18th. Now, that may not
happen. He may be pushed into a position where he needs to take a little
bit more time. But it certainly is clear that people need to get in
touch with him soon, certainly by the end of November.     Full
The Journal will be repeated  Sunday,  at 7 PM on 13.  Several other
times on WLIWDT4 on cable.Also available online here:
<>   "I Am America
(And So Can You!)" -- Stephen
Colbert================================================== Useful info
for Tuesday's voters:  Click here:

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