Another "keeper."  Post on refrigerator.
In a message dated 11/6/2007 7:42:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

But we  are where we are and 
can't judge what's being done now by MM through the  lens of where we 
should have been had the past five years been  different.... MM has been here 
for less than a year. 
They appear to be  trying - for the first time someone is making a real 
commitment and effort in  my opinion. They don't have a magic wand or a time 

In less  than a year they have demonstrated a commitment to making 
things happen.  Rome was not built in a day and neither will Asbury 
Park be restored in a  year. I may not agree with everything they do -
nobody will - but on the  whole they should get credit and community 
input ....

And  regardless of who gets the revenue - it is critical that people 
keep  coming. The boardwalk was alive this weekend - the first 
weekend in  November. It should have been a ghost town down there. 
...Momentum is a  very real thing and I'm glad they are trying to continue to 
build it and not  
just closing up shop through the fall.


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