_Diner  Opens in Catskills After a Hell’s Kitchen Worth of Trouble - New York 
Times_ (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/06/nyregion/06towns.html)  
December 6, 2007
Our  Towns
When last spotted in its ancestral home, there was the Munson Diner, steel  
and chrome shining off the streetlights, noirish blue exterior like a ghost 
from  the ’40s, loaded onto a flatbed truck and lumbering toward the George 
Washington  Bridge, bound if not for glory, at least for Liberty, a faded 
town in the  Catskills. 
It was May 5, 2005, and, as it turned out, getting a 50-foot-long, 30-ton  
diner onto a truck was the easy part. One of its new owners and a cameraman 
 taken off the George Washington Bridge by the police as they tried to film 
the  big event without a permit.  
The diner hit not one, but two highway bridges on the way up. And when it  
finally arrived, dinged up but more or less intact, the crew lowered it  
triumphantly onto its new foundation ... backward, with the vintage neon sign  
steel facade facing away from Main Street. 
And then for two and a half years, the 15 local investors behind the diner  
transplant considered and discarded ideas from at least 23 potential operators. 
 A Catskill kosher deli! A Catskill history museum! The site for a reality 
show  featuring a talking diner and chatty patrons reflecting on city and 
country  life! 
All of which explains the sign by the entrance (“Come in. We’re finally  
open!”) and the somewhat disproportionate expressions of contentment on the 
of patrons — not to mention investors — when the Munson finally reopened to 
big  crowds last week, a lesson in comfort food, diner lore and other themes 
that  could have been explored had anyone been nuts enough to greenlight the 
reality  show.  
“All you’ve heard for two years was: ‘What’s happening with the blue diner? 
 What’s happening with the blue diner?’” said Maureen MacDonnell, a 
71-year-old  house painter, who frequented the diner at its original site at 
Avenue and  49th Street and now considers herself a regular at the new one. 
don’t know  what a big deal this is.” 
Built in the 1940s, the Munson was a modest classic of its era in style and  
ambience. It featured a base of vertical strips of stainless steel holding in  
bowed, bright blue enameled panels; glass-block infill and horizontal blue 
and  stainless steel striping along the top, all accented under lurid red neon. 
But by the late ’90s, it was a relic in newly fashionable Hell’s Kitchen,  
where the original ethos of diners — as places where, as The Times put it in a  
1941 article, “men and women in evening dress swap jokes with men in overalls”
 —  was as out of date as 10-cent coffee. 
The Volvo dealership that bought the space put the diner up for sale, the  
Liberty 15 took a flier, and there we were. 
THE Munson might still be closed if not for Fred LaGattuta, 47, a retired  
diesel mechanic turned populist entrepreneur whose projects have included a  
bowling alley in Callicoon ($7 unlimited-time bowling, $2 beer, $1 pizza 
and a motel and diner near Parksville (rooms at $49.99). He leased the diner  
with an option to buy it, along with a partner, Tom Russell.  
Mr. LaGattuta figured the old diner should just be a diner, and worked every  
weekend for eight months with his 18-year-old son, Paeden, to fix it up.  
There’s a new tile floor, new and bigger red booths, a new kitchen, a new  
ceiling, new laminate on the tables and the counter to go with the old facade  
and neon sign, old menu boards and old twirling stools. 
The whole project will cost about $300,000, not the $125,000 the investors  
originally planned on, but at least it’s open, with two eggs, potatoes and 
toast  for $2.50, $5.20 ziti, and a 12-ounce Monster Munsonburger with three 
cheeses,  bacon and other extras, plus fries and cole slaw, for $6.  
“I’m a fatso who likes to eat, and I thought this little town needed a  
restaurant like this,” said Mr. LaGattuta, whose family moved to the Catskills  
from Yonkers in the early 1960s. “You go to an old diner and you get, I don’t  
know, a warm feeling. That’s what I wanted.” 
Urban chauvinists might pity the Munson, exiled from the bright lights. And  
In its latter days, the Munson was a setting for shows like “Law and Order”  
and the famous Bizarro Seinfeld episode, where Elaine met at a diner with her 
 new, friendly, noncynical pals, the opposite of Jerry, Kramer and George. 
So,  maybe, it’s appropriate it has gone full circle, not just to a  
pre-concept-dining diner, but to a Bizarro version of its old locale, where the 
meatloaf is still in fashion and people walk in and say hello.  
And then, there was the guy at the counter yesterday morning.  
“You got Heinz?” he asked the waitress, looking askance at the ketchup on 
the  counter. 
“In little packets,” she said. 
“Well, anything’s better than this,” he replied, like a dyspeptic regular  
from 11th Avenue and 49th Street who had found his way home. 

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