In a message dated 12/21/2007 3:37:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Reminds me of a Goodfellas story someone close to me told me years ago.  
Back in the 1960's they were in the Copa seeing Jimmy Roselli  perform
and were by the telephones accompanying a big mafioso.
Some  "poor innocent bystander" was on the phone trying to get through
his  mistress and slammed down the phone, screaming, "I pay her rent
and she's  never home to answer the phone."
The biggie wisecracks to the guy, "give me  $50 a week and I'll call
you twice a day."
The bystander gets pissed and  takes a swing at the gangster. I guess
you know the  ending.
Tony Toupee, Eddie Mush, Louie Dumps, and JoJo the  Whale.

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