12/23/2007 justifiedright writes:

the NY  Times .... I don't exactly follow the Old Grey Dish towel....I  
happen to strive for responsibility in journalism....The  NYT aren't very up to 
date on  politics.

12/27/2007 10:13:50 A.M.  justifiedright writes:

I'm  not going to accept one from "Joe's neighborhood Bonds" no matter what 
the  rating.
You have to go with the powerhouses and go with their  ratings.
from _http://www.burrellesluce.com/top100/2007_Top_100List.pdf_ 
New York Times:

Daily circulation = 1,120,420    #3 of all US  papers
Sunday circulation = 1,627,062   #1 of all US papers
On the Web:  # 1 newspaper site

Washington Times:

Daily Circulation = 100,258   # 97 of all US newspapers

Good old conservative faith in the free market place and  meritocracy:
I'll go with the ratings.



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