

You wrote:


"Now dsher4 makes a great point.  Look, if you folks aren't going to give me
something to argue about.  I'm gonna leave! :-)"


Tom, since I like you, I will help you out.  I will just repost everything
that Dsher4, Hinge, Oak and Dan S. have posted today.  It all makes a ton of
sense and I know you agree with it.  Interestingly, it sounds very familiar
to things I have said on this board and from the dais for the past two years
and seven months (my time on Council) and the in years prior from the
microphone at City Council meetings.  However, since it is coming from me
and not those you supported, you will find fault with it.  


Here, I will start you off.


I said when I was campaigning and ever since I have been on City Council
that "Traditional practice is to build the residential and the
retail/commercial would follow. The traditional approach was not appropriate
for AP and that is why (in part) the first stage was a failure of sorts. We
had many more problems to deal with besides the traditional ones of
venturing into a new area. Those problems needed to be addressed by
non-traditional approaches like building out the retail beachfront first.
The major investment to do so would have convinced potential condo buyers
that we were serious."


So there you go, start arguing my friend, I'm sure "I" have no idea what I
am talking about.  


Glad I could help.  :-)


Peace, JWK 


Councilman James W. Keady

1 Municipal Plaza

Asbury Park, NJ 07712

TEL: 732.502.5196




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