In a message dated 1/11/2008 11:04:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I have  not heard Italian spoken in my family in 20+ years. I miss it 
so much that  I just began taking lessons in Manhattan one night a
week. It's much  tougher when you are older.
I miss it too.  My high school required Latin and French in the cp  track.  
Latin remains the most useful oddly enough.  Foreign language  instruction back 
then was mostly text based instead of speaking ability.   And because I'm 
fascinated by the sound of Yiddish, I probably know more Yiddish  expressions 
than Italian.
I've been tempted by Rosetta Stone lessons in Italian.  They're touted  as #1 
among corporate in-service programs.  Anyone have any experience with  them.  
Price sounds steep, but could be because it's an effective  program

America is what it is because of immigrants and their  semi-assimilation. 
That never changed.
Very cool concept: semi-assimilation.  So I'm off to buy from  Geraldine at 

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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