Asbury Park Little League field renovations to be  meeting topic
By _Nancy Shields_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  •  COASTAL MONMOUTH BUREAU • 
January 24, 2008 
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ASBURY PARK — Last month's controversy over the Asbury Park  Little League's 
field renovations on the high school grounds flared up again at  a Board of 
Education meeting Wednesday night, and board member Garrett Giberson  said 
he plans to settle the matter once and for all. 
"We're having an emergency building and grounds meeting today at 4 p.m., and  
I've advised attorneys and administrators that God help them if they don't 
come  prepared today,'' Giberson said. ""'ve also advised them that we will 
resolve  this matter even if we have to sit there until midnight.''

The latest  flap is over an access agreement that Danny McKee, president of 
the Little  League, just learned about and does not want to sign.

Giberson, chairman  of the building and grounds committee, said he only 
learned of the agreement  Wednesday and that the language has to be changed or 
tweaked to make it  agreeable to the Little League and the school district.

"We will make  adjustments where they are allowed,'' Giberson said. "Everyone 
will leave today  happy.''

''I've also advised the administration and board counsel that I  do not want 
to hear anymore about it,'' he said. "I don't want to hear the issue  brought 
up again unless there's a sink hole swallowing up the Little League  field. 
I've had it. I've had it.''

The Little League the past two years  raised more than $200,000 to renovate 
what had been a worn-out, flood-prone  field but ran into problems with the 
district administration when the league  began such previously approved major 
renovations as installing field lights and  building dugouts and a small field 

The district owns the field.  The league shares it with the high school's 
girl softball team. 

Giberson  said the controversy over the access agreement was unnecessary 
Wednesday  night.

"What aggravates me the most, not only as a board member but as a  taxpayer 
of the city, is that these administrators and attorneys get paid  exorbitant 
amounts of money, and they're not doing their job,'' he said. "That's  waste. 
That's waste to me.''

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