arcman210" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  e:> 
Lets destroy the Circus Drive In  
> while we're at it. And the Roadside Diner. 
Both continue to do good business, especially the  latter.  
January 30, 2008    Overhaul, Make It a  Venti      
_ ( 

When a _Starbucks_ 
  moved in next door, the coffee 
fanatics  who run the Broadway Cafe trembled. Sure, they roasted their own 
beans and  served up handmade espresso drinks to a loyal clientele. But would 
be  enough to fight off a corporate behemoth?
That was nearly 10 years ago, and now the results are in:  the Starbucks is 
about to shut down. The store had a funereal air the other  day as a handful of 
loyal customers sipped beverages and jotted goodbye  notes in what amounted 
to a book of condolences. 
Next door, the Broadway Cafe was bustling. “You win  because of the coffee,” 
said Jon Cates, one of the owners.
After more than a decade of sensational buzz, Starbucks is  struggling:  “It’
s lost its mom-and-pop home-away-from-home  feel. It feels more corporate now.
The Broadway Cafe: “We are not doing anything  revolutionary here,” Ms. 
Honan said. “Coffee, and food that goes well with  coffee.”

**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.     

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