You should post this to the AP group in Next Door. Sent you an invite

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Educating for Justice <> wrote:

> **
> This was published in last week¹s TriCity News in case you missed it.
> Peace, JWK
> Strategies to stop the shootings in Asbury Park
> By Jim Keady
> [triCity note: Keady is a former Asbury Councilman, who was the high
> vote-getter on the A-Team council ticket in May. That slate has a pending
> legal challenge to the election results which could change the outcome if
> successful.]
> In his August 22nd Publisher¹s Message, Dan Jacobson delivered a perfect
> example of why his publication to date has been absolutely useless in
> serving the Asbury Park community with regard to stopping the escalating
> and
> ongoing violence in our city. He spent 1000 words offering nothing of
> import
> to the much-needed discussion on what should be the number one issue for
> every Asbury Park resident and business owner ‹ stopping the shootings and
> murders. I could go on with regard Mr. Jacobson¹s failings on this matter,
> but what is more important is laying out a course of action to address the
> problem.
> I offer the following list of actions that the Asbury Park City Council
> should take immediately. I am limiting my focus to the City Council for two
> reasons: first, they need to lead our community on this issue; second,
> there
> is not another stakeholder in the City that can marshal resources in the
> way
> that our duly elected officials can if they make it a priority.
> 1. Put ³Stopping the Shootings² on the City Council agenda. Literally, put
> it on the agenda of the Executive Session, Workshop Session, and the
> Regular
> Public Meeting and make it the number one agenda item at every meeting. If
> it is on the agenda, week in and week out, it will begin to get the
> attention it deserves. If the governing body regularly met and discussed
> this issue half as much they discussed the waterfront redevelopment, we
> would begin to see real action flow from the dais.
> 2. Do NOT form another giant committee to discuss the issue to death. It
> is not rocket science that needs to be employed to solve this problem ­ it
> takes leadership, action and follow through. Name a small committee, maybe
> 5
> people, and set them to work in concert with the governing body to get to
> the goal of ZERO SHOOTINGS.
> 3. Direct our Police Chief to implement the High Point Initiative
> ( in our city.
> 4. Re-deploy the Special I and Special II police officers from the
> boardwalk and downtown areas. There is no need to have a dozen special
> officers walking these beats and no officers walking the Prospect Ave
> basketball courts, Washington Avenue, DeWitt Avenue, Bangs Avenue, etc.
> 5. Now that the Prosecutor¹s Office has thrown down the gauntlet [TriCity
> note: the acting Monmouth County Prosecutor this week said that the city
> police have to increase their presence and activity on the west side of the
> city] the Council should request help through their office to flood the
> Westside with a police presence.
> 6. Publicly request direct help from the Governor to bring the State
> Police and/or the National Guard into the city until the killings have
> stopped for at least one year. This is a state of emergency. We have had 6
> people murdered and more than 70 shootings in the past 15 months. I can
> tell
> you that if this were happening in Belmar (the town I grew up in) or Spring
> Lake or Deal, every resource would be delivered to stop it. The elected
> leaders of Asbury Park must demand the same for our city.
> 7. Exhaust the Community Development Fund and immediately invest in staff
> and 24-hour programming at the Westside Community Center and the Boys and
> Girls Club.
> 8. Hire a full-time grant writer that can be accessed by all non-profits
> and churches in the city ­ utilize Community Development Funds for this.
> The
> sole focus of this grant writer will be to secure funding for both
> immediate
> violence prevention programs and programs that are geared towards getting
> at
> the root causes that are driving kids to gangs and lives of violence.
> 9. Reallocate all Federal Community Development Block Grant Funding to job
> creation initiatives for youth and young adults in Asbury Park. This should
> be done by bringing Youth Build ( to Asbury Park
> and
> funding it with the CDBG money.
> 10. Immediately bring in the following programs to Asbury Park and have
> them run through the City, through the schools or through non-profits. The
> Amer-I-Can program ( and the Getting Out and Staying
> Out
> program (
> 11. The Mayor and Council should utilize their bully pulpit and go to every
> church in Asbury Park and speak on this issue. They need to challenge
> residents with the following truth. Our churches, our families and our City
> Government have failed on this matter to date. This must change. The City
> can step up its game by doing the actions listed above. The churches must
> now pull their weight. They need to stop worrying about saving souls from
> eternal damnation and start worrying about saving the lives of our kids.
> Every church should be offering daily programming for at-risk kids and
> young
> adults. They get their non-profit status and their tax breaks with the
> understanding that they will meet community needs that the government
> cannot
> meet. It¹s time they started delivering.
> The Mayor and Council also need to share, with our predominantly black
> Churches in particular, that the majority of these crimes are young black
> men shooting other young black men. These are our kids, our brothers, our
> uncles, our fathers, our nephews... The blame for their ongoing criminal
> activity lays squarely with each of us. These are not alien monsters who
> just dropped into Asbury Park and are wreaking havoc on our community. We
> ALL have to be responsible for what is being done and we have to stand up
> to
> these young men, offer them tough love [even if this means turning in or
> ³snitching² on a relative], and an opportunity to live life in a much
> different direction.
> 12. If by chance there is another murder of one of our residents, the
> entire governing body should be at the funeral. As far as I could see, none
> of them were at Tyrell Howard¹s funeral on Saturday. This speaks volumes to
> the community about the perceived level of commitment and concern that our
> elected officials have for these murdered residents and their friends and
> families.
> The Council should immediately get to work on the items above. This is by
> no means an exhaustive list and I hope it serves as a springboard for
> discussion and more importantly ACTION.
> Peace,
> Jim Keady
> --
> Jim Keady, Director
> Educating for Justice, Inc.
> 732.988.7322
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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