
I’m the maintainer of Closer to MOP, and I have just updated the version 
numbers as you describe below. If I made a mistake and chose a numbering scheme 
that confuses ASDF, please let me know, and I will fix this. However, I believe 
what I chose is in line with the ASDF documentation.

Previously, the version numbers for Closer to MOP lacked a third entry (“patch 
version”), maybe this is a confusing change?


On 17 Nov 2013, at 10:34, Anton Vodonosov <avodono...@yandex.ru> wrote:

> Hello.
> Has the semantics of :depends-on with :version
> specified for the dependency changed recently?
> I am asking, because I observe problems in several libraries.
> For example, moptilities. 
> moptilities.asd has :depends-on ((:version :closer-mop "0.55"))
> In Quicklisp 2013-11-11 closer-mop is updated, now its ASDF
> system has :version "1.0.0"
> Now moptilities fails to load on many lisps
> (clisp, ccl-1.8, ccl-1.8, ecl, sbcl-
> Component :CLOSER-MOP does not match version 0.55, required by #<SYSTEM 
> "moptilities">
> But on sbcl-1.1.11 moptilities load OK.
> This is a relatively recent SBCL, so I assume
> it has newer ASDF than many other lisps.
> And probably that's why it it can load moptilities.
> Also interesting, that in the previous Quicklisp
> closer-mop version was "0.61". And moptilities,
> which depend on closer-mop "0.55" was loaded successfully
> by many lisps which now fail.
> Test results for moptilities for the current and previous
> Quiclisp may be found here:
> http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/library/moptilities.html
> Moptilities is only on example, there are other libraries
> affected by this problem.
> So, my question is: how :depends-on ((:version ...))
> should work, and is the change in the behavior intentional?
> Best regards,
> - Anton

Pascal Costanza

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