On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Ben Hyde <bh...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Would changing (:tree <path>) so it accepts an optional argument be less
> adhoc?
> Possibly (:tree <path> &key (depth nil)
> (don-not-recure-after-asdf-encountered nil))
I of course thought about this, but it's the wrong thing:
the person who knows best what's in a tree is not the end-user,
but the developer, package-manager or system-administrator,
and that's who should be doing this configuring.
Therefore, this configuration option is ultimately no help
unless the developer, package-manager or system-administrator
gets to write configuration files, which is essentially my proposal,
at which point this option is not needed, because it can be done better without,
with a simple script builds a list of all asd file paths under the tree.

* :tree checks for cl-source-registry.conf or .cl-source-registry.conf
and recurses on that rather than on a directory search, when
* :file is accepted, in addition to :directory and :tree
* a :source-registry entry can have a :cache entry (or be followed by
a :cache entry? or have a .cache file equivalent?) that lists all
relevant .asd files as a sorted list of relative unix-namestrings.
* Some script can regenerate the cache from the registry.

> That said this would have little if any value in my use case.  I point ask
> it to sweep over my
> the directory where all my coding lives, and most of the directories in
> there are not lisp, and so
> there ain’t any asd files in those.
My proposal would solve your issue, at the cost of re-running the
script when you install, deinstall or update lisp code. Or you could
split your active CL source in a separate directory.

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