Faré wrote:

>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Kevin Layer <la...@franz.com> wrote:
>> > Faré wrote:
>> >
>> >>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Kevin Layer <la...@franz.com> wrote:
>> >>> > This whole branch of that conversation was about an error I got while
>> >>> > compiling 3.1.5 asdf.lisp on Windows.  I no longer get that error.
>> >>>
>> >>> If you don't get this error — wonderful!
>> >>>
>> >>> Please proceed to the next stage (this assumes the master branch):
>> >>>
>> >>> make l=allegro test-lisp
>> >>>
>> >>> Hopefully, all tests pass.
>> >
>> > The problem I mentioned before still exists:
>> >
>> > @thor[git:master]$ ALLEGRO=/c/acl100/alisp make l=allegro test-lisp
>> > ALLEGRO=/c/acl100/alisp
>> I believe this should be ALLEGRO=c:\acl100\alisp ? (with proper shell 
>> escaping).
>> If using cygwin, $(cygpath ...) can help.

The test scripts are written in BASH, so that would not be correct for
them.  ACL uses native Windows pathnames, but BASH doesn't.

In any case, I tried it, and it didn't work.  I doubled the \'s, too.

>> > CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY=/home/layer/asdf/:/home/layer/asdf/uiop/:/home/layer/asdf/ext//:
>> If using a native Windows Allegro, this should probably similarly be
>> using Windows paths,
>> and once again cygpath can help do the translation automatically.

It's not *my* script that needs fixing.  It's the ASDF test scripts.

>> > PWD=/home/layer/asdf/test
>> > OLDPWD=/home/layer/asdf
>> > /c/acl100/buildi.exe -I /c/acl100/alisp.dxl -q -batch -e 
>> > "(or\`,#.(load(string\`|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))"
>> > Could not find image file /c/acl100/alisp.dxl.
>> > To view full results and failures, try the following command:
>> >      less -p ABORTED build/results/allegro-test.text
>> > Makefile:162: recipe for target 'test-lisp' failed
>> > make: *** [test-lisp] Error 1
>> >
>> > It should be "... -I c:/acl100/alisp.dxl" in the build script.
>> >
>> I believe on Windows, you should be using Windows paths.

/ and \ are interchangable on Windows, at the C library level.  The
c:/acl100/alisp.dxl works fine.

>> It is also possible that the master branch is somewhat broken on
>> Windows, because of these path issues, in which case I recommend the
>> minimakefile branch (note that said branch requires CCL to be
>> installed and configured, and/or that you tweak the startup scripts to
>> use Allegro instead of CCL; I just updated README.md and
>> toos/asdf-tools.bat with better documentation; also make test-lisp is
>> called make test-scripts in the minimakefile branch).
>> > @thor[git:master]$ make l=allegro test-lisp
>> > ALLEGRO=alisp
>> > CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY=/home/layer/asdf/:/home/layer/asdf/uiop/:/home/layer/asdf/ext//:
>> > PWD=/home/layer/asdf/test
>> > OLDPWD=/home/layer/asdf
>> > ./buildi.exe -I alisp.dxl -q -batch -e 
>> > "(or\`,#.(load(string\`|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))"
>> > ./run-tests.sh: line 115: ./buildi.exe: No such file or directory
>> > To view full results and failures, try the following command:
>> >      less -p ABORTED build/results/allegro-test.text
>> > Makefile:162: recipe for target 'test-lisp' failed
>> > make: *** [test-lisp] Error 1
>> > @thor[git:master]$

I'm going to wait for you guys to get the Windows tests working before
I use them.  It is just too confusing for a non-ASDF devel like me.

>> >
>> >
>> > this assumes buildi.exe is in . when you ALLEGRO is passed, but that's
>> > clearly not correct.
>> >
>> I see that our test script ./test/run-tests.sh in branch master will
>> be confused on whether paths are Unixy or Windowsy.
>> This may be a good reason to use branch minimakefile, that shall be
>> happy with ALLEGRO being an absolute path
>> in Windows format (though you might have to export ALLEGRODIR, too, to
>> make sure it knows where to find buildi.exe).
>> My apologies for the test system being so hard to configure on Windows
>> (or Unix, for that matter — but Windows is worse, and less tested).
>> Patches are of course welcome.
>> —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• 
>> http://fare.tunes.org
>> Skill without imagination is craftsmanship.
>> Imagination without skill is contemporary art. — Tom Stoppard

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