On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 4:53 PM, Attila Lendvai <att...@lendvai.name> wrote:
>> I haven't used CFFI in a while.
> TL;DR: is this a sane fix?
> https://github.com/cffi/cffi/commit/4b9b06f15912e823581b1aeb8a0d5c2ef11f702d
(the (not null) ...) is redundant around find-system without the nil
optional argument.

Also, having a component depend on a system violates a weak tacit
invariant in ASDF, though it should only matter for bundle operations,
and only for things required at link-time, which shouldn't be the case
here. Still, something to keep in mind.

> now, whether the generator code (extra dependencies) is needed is
> decided by whether or not the generated lisp file is up-to-date.
... except that ASDF only considers it "up-to-date" if its date is
later than that of all dependencies, including the compiled objects
for c2ffi, now that staging is done properly.

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the other person is as intelligent as you are.

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