On Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 2:25 PM Faré <fah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> sbcl --eval "'(#.(require :asdf) #.(in-package :asdf) #.(upgrade-asdf)
> #.(load-system :asdf-dependency-grovel))" --quit
> No error.

I tried it again with ASDF 3.3 + SBCL 2.1.1, and I can load adg
successfully, with a couple of (push "path/to/adg/"
asdf:*central-registry*) to help it along. However, when I try to run
the unit tests, I get an error from ASDF about "failed to mark it
done". There is also a warning about "proper dependencies" as well.

* (asdf-dependency-grovel-tester:test-result)

   Deprecated recursive use of (ASDF/OPERATE:OPERATE 'ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP
   '("test-serial-system")) while visiting
   - please use proper dependencies instead

debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1004E802F3}>:
  Just performed compiling #<INSTRUMENTED-CL-SOURCE-FILE
"test-serial-system" "package"> but failed to mark it done

I think this error is the reason that I decided to use an earlier
(3.1) version of ASDF -- sorry for getting mixed up in what I said
about it.

I'll look at the other debugging hints you mentioned.



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